Winter retreat 2021
The RTG Winter Retreat 2021 took place on the 21st and 22nd of October. Unfortunately, due to the Covid-19 pandemia, the event was entirely online.
This retreat's main objective was dedicated to career planning in or outside academia. The workshop, led by Dr. Eva Reichmann, outlined the general process of career orientation. In addition, Dr. Reichmann gave a piece of advice in recruiting process in industrial companies and hints on how applicants can stand out.
On the second day (22st October 2021), there were two sessions. The first one was entitled 'Life inside RTG', where the Ph.D. students discussed some ideas on keeping the feeling of togetherness and staying motivated despite the world pandemia. Also, we reviewed our initiatives from the previous’ retreat, such as virtual-lunch breaks, reading groups, and board-games nights. The second session was dedicated to 'Working under Corona', as the students exchanged ideas to increase productivity.
To sum up, the winter retreat successfully brought all students together and found out some common interests among them. Alexander Denker and Johannes Leuschner volunteered to organise next's year winter retreat.