(Q) Interkulturalität und Sprachvertiefung - English as a Lingua Franca


In this seminar participants will be exposed to a range of content in real-life English with the aim of expanding their core vocabulary, as well as reviewing and consolidating common functional language competences. Skills in oral and written communication will be worked on by using a range of stimulating topics that invite everyone to exchange and contribute with their knowledge, making the seminar a very active one for all those involved.

The course book lays the foundations for themes in areas such as society, culture and nature and will be complemented with additional material related to the particular interests of the group. In this way the language acquisition process can be enriched as the course develops.

To take part you will need a good understanding of English, but no advanced language is required. That will be worked on during the course.

Dozentin:  Melânia Mulder

Termine:    6 x dienstags

  •  27.08. + 03.09. + 10.09. + 17.09. + 24.09. + 01.10.2024

Zeit:    14:00 (s.t.) bis 15:30 Uhr

Entgelt:    60,- Euro

Veranstaltungsart:    in Präsenz (Akademie, Raum B 1340)

Hinweis:    Teilnehmerbegrenzung: 20 Personen

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