(ZB) Migration History - the 1890s: A Pivotal Decade in trans-Atlantic Migration


The 1890s was a decade of significant change in trans-Atlantic migration: Eastern and Southern Europeans began migrating in mass numbers in response to newly available transportation services provided by passenger steamship and railroad companies. In response, the United States and Germany adopted new laws and established new processes for managing these migrants.

A major cholera epidemic in Europe meanwhile tested both countries’ willingness and ability to control this new migration and trans-Atlantic passenger transportation in general in the decades before World War I. The events and their consequences of this critical moment in migration history will be discussed in the course. Field trips to the Deutsches Auswandererhaus and the Deutsches Schifffahrtsmuseum in Bremerhaven will be part of the course.


The instructor is a migration historian and immigrant from the United States; the course will be taught in English. Some readings could be in German.

Dozentin:  PhD Christina Ziegler-McPherson

Termine:    6 x Termine

  • 5 x donnerstags:

                       29.08. + 05.09. + 12.09. + 19.09. + 26.09.

  • 1 x freitags:   04.10.2024 (Ersatztermin für den 03.09.)

Zeit:    10:00 (s.t.) bis 11:30 Uhr

Entgelt:    60,- Euro

Veranstaltungsart:    hybrid, in Präsenz (Akademie, Raum B 0660) oder wahlweise Online-Teilnahme

Hinweis: Teilnehmerbegrenzung: 40 Personen in Präsenz

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