
  • TransJudfare

Blauberger, Michael/Schmidt, Susanne K. ‘Welfare Migration? Free Movement of EU Citizens and Access to Social Benefits’. Paper presented at the EUSA Fourteenth Biennial Conference, Boston, 5-7 March 2015, and at the 22nd International Conference of Europeanists, Paris, 8-10 July 2015.

Blauberger, Michael/Schmidt, Susanne K. ‘Solving individual conflicts, creating systemic uncertainties.’ Paper presented at the workshop on “Implementation and judicial politics” at the WZB, Berlin, 3-4 March 2016.

Blauberger, Michael/Schmidt, Susanne K. ‘Administrating contradictions: free movement, the welfare state, and the EU’s over-constitutionalization.’ Paper presented at the ECPR General Conference, Prague, 7-10 September 2016, and at the annual meeting „Projektverbund Europäische Wirtschafts- und Sozialintegration“, Düsseldorf, 8-9 December 2016.

Blauberger/Heindlmaier/Kramer/Martinsen/Thierry/Schenk/Werner. 'ECJ judges read the morning papers. Explaining the turnaround of European citizenship jurisprudence'. Invited submission to special issue in Journal of European Public Policy, presented at the EUSA Fifteenth Biennial Conference, Miami, 4-6 May 2017, at the Final workshop of the NORFACE research project TransJudFare, Bremen, 2-3 November 2017, and at the Tag der Politikwissenschaft 2017, Graz, 30 November-1 December 2017.

Blauberger, Michael/Martinsen, Dorte. 'The European Court of Justice in times of politicization: ‘law as a mask and shield’ revisited.' Paper presented at the Workshop on Politicization, London, 15-16 December 2017.

Davies, Gareth. ‘How law keeps politics out of the EU.’ Paper presented at the ECPR SGEU Conference, Trento, 16-18 June 2016.

Davies, Gareth. 'Has the Court changed or have the cases?' Paper presented at the EUSA Fifteenth Biennial Conference, Miami, 4-6 May 2017, and at the Final workshop of the NORFACE research project TransJudFare, Bremen, 2-3 November 2017.

Heindlmaier, Anita/Blauberger, Michael. ‘Enter at your own risk. How EU member states administer the free movement of EU citizens.’ Paper presented at the ECPR SGEU Conference, Trento, 16-18 June 2016, at the White Rose Workshop on European Citizenship and Freedom of Movement, Sheffield, 27-28 June 2016, and at the ECPR General Conference, Prague, 7-10 September 2016.

Heindlmaier, Anita. '“Social citizenship” on the ground? When MS administrations anticipate restrictive ECJ case law'. Paper presented at the EUSA Fifteenth Biennial Conference, Miami, 4-6 May 2017.

Heindlmaier, Anita. '”Social citizenship” on the ground? EU Member States bending ECJ case law into shape.' Paper presented at the 2017 EISS Conference, Amsterdam, 28-29 September 2017.

Kramer, Dion. ‘Towards the earning of social citizenship in the EU.’ Paper presented at the ECPR SGEU Conference, Trento, 16-18 June 2016.

Kramer, Dion. 'Administering the Needy Union Citizen: between Welfare State Bureaucracy and Migration Control.' Paper presented (in different versions) at Salzburg University (1 March 2017) and at the WSF Workshop ‘Welfare and Migration’, the Hague, (18 march 2017), and at the EUSA Fifteenth Biennial Conference, Miami, 4-6 May 2017.

Kramer, Dion. 'Homeless EU Citizens in the Dutch Welfare State: Excluding The Included or Including The Excluded?' Paper presented at ACCESS Europe workshop ‘A Place for the Stranded Union Citizen? Homelessness, EU Citizenship and the National Welfare State’, Amsterdam, 7 April 2017.

Kramer, Dion. 'From Challenging Equality to Challenging the Right to Residence: Poor Union Citizens and the Loss of Residence in the Netherlands.' Paper presented at the ECPR General Conference Oslo, September 2017.

Kramer, Dion. '‘In Search of the Law’: Governing Homeless Union Citizens in the Netherlands.' Paper presented at the Young Researchers’ Workshop “The Significance of Obscured Practices and Subjects: Investigating Silences in Transnational Legal Spaces”, EISA Conference, Barcelona September 2017.

Kramer, Dion. 'Earning Social Citizenship – Towards Neoliberal Belonging in the European Union?' Paper presented at EISA Conference, Barcelona, September 2017, and at the Graduate Workshop Gerda Henkel Academy: ‘Citizenship and belonging in Europe – historical and contemporary perspectives’, 20-24 November 2017.

Kramer, Dion/Heindlmaier, Anita. 'Administering the Needy Union Citizen: between Welfare State Bureaucracy and Migration Control.' Paper presented at EISS Conference, Amsterdam, 28-29 September 2017, at the Final workshop of the NORFACE research project TransJudFare, Bremen, 2-3 November 2017, and at the Tag der Politikwissenschaft 2017, Graz, 30 November-1 December 2017.

Kramer, Dion/van Hooren, Franca/Thierry, Jessica Sampson. 'Dealing with Free Movement: Quarantining Mobile Union Citizens in European Welfare States.' Paper presented at the Final workshop of the NORFACE research project TransJudFare, Bremen, 2-3 November 2017.

Martinsen, Dorte Sindbjerg/Pons Rotger, Gabriel/Thierry, Jessica Sampson. ‘Free movement and Welfare in the European Union: Responses to and Outcomes of EU Rules in the Universalistic, Tax-Financed Welfare State.’ Paper presented at the ECPR SGEU Conference, Trento, 16-18 June 2016, at the ECPR General Conference, Prague, 7-10 September 2016, and at the EUSA Fifteenth Biennial Conference, Miami, 4-6 May 2017.

Martinsen, Dorte Sindbjerg/Werner, Benjamin. 'No welfare magnets. Free movement and cross border welfare in Germany and Denmark compared.' Invited submission to special issue in Journal of European Public Policy, presented at the University of Amsterdam, 24 May 2017, and at the Final workshop of the NORFACE research project TransJudFare, Bremen, 2-3 November 2017.

Schenk, Angelika. ‘European Citizenship as a Game Changer for Student Mobility and Transnational Study Finance in the European Union.’ Paper presented at the 22nd International Conference of Europeanists, Paris, 8-10 July 2015.

Schenk, Angelika. ‘Welfare beyond Contribution? European Social Citizenship and the Citizenisation Nexus between Rights and Duties.’ Paper presented at the BEUCITIZEN mid-term conference “Being a citizen in Europe”, Zagreb, 29-30 June 2015.

Schenk, Angelika. ‘The Role of the European Court of Justice in Creating a European Social Dimension: The Case of Student Mobility and Study Finance.’ Paper presented at the Workshop for Young EU Law Scholars, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, 21 May 2015.

Schenk, Angelika. ‘European Union Citizenship: Heading for increased social inequality or broadening citizens’ welfare rights?’ Paper presented at the DVPW-Kongress, Duisburg, 21-25 September 2015.

Schenk, Angelika. ‘Students Welcome? Politicisation in the Course of Implementing European Case Law on Student Mobility and Study Finance.’ Paper presented at the meeting „Projektverbund Europäische Wirtschafts- und Sozialintegration“, Tübingen, 21-22 January 2016.

Schenk, Angelika. ‘The varying involvement of national courts within the integrated European law system. A case study on case cross-border study finance.’ Paper presented at the ECPR SGEU Conference, Trento, 16-18 June 2016.

Schenk, Angelika/Schmidt, Susanne K. 'Student mobility and the shortcomings of judicial law-making in the EU'. Paper presented at the Final workshop of the NORFACE research project TransJudFare, Bremen, 2-3 November 2017.

Schmidt, Susanne K. ‘EU Social Policy from the Bottom Up? The Pressure of Transnationalization and Judicialization’. Keynote address at the BIGSSS International Conference 2015 ‘From Poverty to Parties and Institutions to Inequality: Linking Structural Inequalities to Social Policy-Making’, Bremen, 24-25 September 2015.

Schmidt, Susanne K. Presentation of the joint paper with Michael Blauberger ‘Administrating contradictions: free movement, the welfare state, and the European Union’s over-constitutionalization’ at the meeting of the “Projektverbund Europäische Wirtschafts- und Sozialintegration”, Hans-Böckler-Stiftung (WSI), Düsseldorf 8-9 December 2016.

Schmidt, Susanne K. 'Der Brexit und die Gefahr der Überkonstitutionalisierung in der EU: Der Souveränitätsverlust über den Wohlfahrtsstaat.' Paper presented at the symposium „Das Brexit-Referendum: Lehren für die Europapolitik“, Evangelische Akademie Loccum, 3-5 February 2017.

Thierry, Jessica Sampson/Martinsen, Dorte Sindbjerg. ‘Setting the Scope of a European Social Union – The Role of Street-Level Bureaucrats.’ Paper presented at the workshop on “Implementation and judicial politics” at the WZB, Berlin, 3-4 March 2016.

Thierry, Jessica Sampson. 'The Blind Spot of Europeanisation: How Great Expectations in Brussels are Dashed by Local Practices.' Paper presented at the EUSA Fifteenth Biennial Conference, Miami, 4-6 May 2017.

Werner, Benjamin. ‘Innereuropäische Armutsmigration und ihre Folgen. Fünf reiche EU-Mitgliedstaaten im Vergleich.’ Paper presented at the meeting of the “Projektverbund Europäische Wirtschafts- und Sozialintegration”, Tübingen, 21-22 January 2016.

Werner, Benjamin. ‘Das europäische Freizügigkeitsregime als Herausforderung für die nationalen Sozialsysteme: Reaktionen des deutschen Wohlfahrtsstaates und die Folgen.’ Paper presented at the meeting of the “Projektverbund Europäische Wirtschafts- und Sozialintegration”, Hans-Böckler-Stiftung (WSI), Düsseldorf, 8-9 December 2016.

Werner, Benjamin. 'The challenge of EU free movement to national welfare and its impact on the German welfare state.' Paper presented at the EUSA Fifteenth Biennial Conference, Miami, 4-6 May 2017.

Werner, Benjamin/Schmidt, Susanne K. ‘Enforcer of European social rights or defender of national welfare systems? The national judiciary and its role in the Europeanisation of welfare rights.’ Paper presented at the ECPR SGEU Conference, Trento, 16-18 June 2016, and at the ECPR General Conference, Prague, 7-10 September 2016.

Presentations, Lectures & Discussions
Blauberger, Michael/Heindlmaier, Anita. ‘“Welfare Migration” in the European Union’. Simulation seminar at the University of Salzburg for students of the Master European Union Studies Program, January 2016 and 2017.

Blauberger, Michael/Wydra, Doris/Spilker, Gabriele/Lefkofridi, Zoe. ‘Europa – Kontinent der Grenzen?’ Contribution to the “Lange Nacht der Forschung”, University of Salzburg, 22 April 2016.

Blauberger, Michael/Heindlmaier, Anita. ‘Von der “Sozialbürgerschaft” zum “Sozialtourismus”: der (beschränkte) Zugang von EU-MigrantInnen zu Sozialleistungen.’ Presentation at the Zentrum für Ethik und Armutsforschung, Salzburg, 28 April 2016.

Heindlmaier, Anita. '“Welfare Migration” in the European Union.' Simulation seminar at the University of Salzburg for students of the Master European Union Studies Program, Salzburg, December 2017-January 2018.

Heindlmaier, Anita. 'Herausforderungen für ein soziales Europa.' Presentation at EXIT EUROPE? Seminar für LehrerInnen in Fort- und Ausbildung. Bischofshofen, 16 November 2017.

Kramer, Dion. ‘The Homo Economicus: EU Law and Social Citizenship’. Presentation at Boundaries of Law Research Seminar ‘Legal Concepts of the Person & the Human’, Amsterdam, 24 June 2016.

Kramer, Dion. Discussant at FreSsco Meeting ‘“Social Tourism” within the EU: Legal and Practical Reflections on a Political Debate’. Leiden, 28 October 2016.

Martinsen, Dorte Sindbjerg. ‘EU og Velfærdsstaten. Udviklinger og påvirkninger.’ 23 March 2015.

Martinsen, Dorte Sindbjerg. ‘A European Social Union.’ Presentation at the Thinktank Europe, Copenhagen, 6 May 2015.

Martinsen, Dorte Sindbjerg. ‘The right to welfare across borders in the European Union. Impact and challenges’. Presentation at the University of Copenhagen, 18. April 2016.

Martinsen, Dorte Sindbjerg. ‘Implementering, Efterlevelse og Håndhævelse af EU’s regler.’ Lecture at Aalborg University, 14 September 2016.

Martinsen, Dorte Sindbjerg. ‘Velfærdsturisme. Myte eller Kendsgerning?’ Presentation at the Danish Trade Union for Lawyers and Economists (DJØF), 15 September 2016.

Martinsen, Dorte Sindbjerg. ‘Work Centered EU Social Security and the Impact on the Nordic Model.’ Presentation at the European Conference 2016 of the European Institute for Social Security, Oslo, 23 September 2016.

Martinsen, Dorte Sindbjerg/Pons Rotger, Gabriel. ‘EU-borgeres bidrag til og forbrug af danske velfærdsydelser 2002-2013. Hvad siger tallene?’ Presentation at the Danish Ministry for Employment, Copenhagen, 26 September 2016.

Martinsen, Dorte Sindbjerg. ‘Fri bevægelighed for personer i EU og den nationale velfærd. Uforenelige institutioner?’ Presentation at the Ørestad Gymnasium, Copenhagen, 27 September 2016.

Martinsen, Dorte Sindbjerg. ‘European integration between law and politics. How can we study outputs and outcomes?’ Presentation at Trinity College, Dublin, 14 October 2016.

Martinsen, Dorte Sindbjerg. ‘EU-Domstolens Politiske Indflydelse. Institutionel dialog mellem ret og politik i EU’. Presentation at University of Southern Denmark, Odense, 8 November 2016.

Martinsen, Dorte Sindbjerg. ‘Free Movement for Persons in the European Union and the Welfare State. The Politicisation, Implementation and Impact of Exceptional Rules’. Inaugural lecture at the University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, 8 December 2016.

Martinsen, Dorte Sindbjerg. Invited as expert to talk on the Danish Parliaments deliberation pool (folkehøring) on EU free movement for persons and cross border welfare. The Danish Parliament, 25 February 2017.

Martinsen, Dorte Sindbjerg. 'The Impact of the EU on a Nordic State (Denmark)'. Presentation at Leuven University, Faculty of Law, 7 March 2017.

Martinsen, Dorte Sindbjerg. 'Det fælles arbejdsmarked og den nationale socialpolitik: Hvordan hænger det sammen?' Presentation at Folkeuniversitetet/Open University, Copenhagen, 15 March 2017.

Martinsen, Dorte Sindbjerg. 'EU Immigration and the Welfare State. An Unsustainable Combination?' Presentation at the Regensens Symposion: Fremtidens Europa, Copenhagen, 23 April 2017.

Schmidt, Susanne K. ‘Über den Umgang mit Armutsmigration in der Europäischen Union.’ Presentation at the Haus der Wissenschaft, Bremen, 28 Mai 2016.

Schmidt, Susanne K. ‘Die Europäische Union im Krisenmodus.’ Panel member, discussion about free movement as a challenge, organized by the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Berlin, 15 September 2016.

Schmidt, Susanne K. 'The European Court of Justice and the Policy Process: The Shadow of Case Law“. Presentation at the Robert-Schuman-Centre, European University Institute, Florence, 23 November 2016.

Schmidt, Susanne K. Presentation of the project “TransJudFare” at the WSF-workshop on “Welfare and Migration”, The Hague, 16-17 March 2017.

Schmidt, Susanne K. 'Integration through Law and the Perils of Over-constitutionalization'. Presentation at the Regensens Symposion: Fremtidens Europa, Copenhagen, 23 April 2017.

Schmidt, Susanne K. 'Problems Arising from the Court as a Social Rights Generator'. Presentation at the workshop “Europe: Rewrite the Rules for Shared Prosperity”, ETUI, Brussels, 27-28 April 2017.

Thierry, Jessica Sampson. 'Setting the Scope of a European Social Union – The Role of Street-Level Bureaucrats'. Presentation at the at ACCESS Europe workshop ‘A Place for the Stranded Union Citizen? Homelessness, EU Citizenship and the National Welfare State’, Amsterdam, 7 April 2017.

Davies, Gareth. ‘Free movement of workers, extreme politics and Brexit.’ Various interviews on Dutch public radio, and Nieuwsuur, Dutch news TV programme, July-September 2016.

Davies, Gareth. ‘Brexit and free movement.’ Press briefing, The Hague, 5 April 2016.

Martinsen, Dorte Sindbjerg. Interviews. Different headings, given to the Danish broadcast and press. For an overview see here.

Martinsen, Dorte Sindbjerg/Pons Rotger, Gabriel. 'EU-indvandring og den danske velfærdsstat. Overskud, også på den lange bane.' Analysis in the newspaper Politiken, 7 December 2016.

Martinsen, Dorte Sindbjerg. 'Også EU-Domstolen er indimellem med på en politisk lytter'. Opinion piece in the Danish newspaper Jyllands Posten (October 2017). Available here.

Politiken. 'Nyt studie punkterer myte om velfærdsturisme'. Article on Dorte S. Martinsen's work (22 February 2018). Available here.

Politiken. 'Forsker: »Borgere fra et andet EU-land kann tage et studiejob på McDonald’s, og så har de adgang til SU«'. Article on Dorte S. Martinsen's work (23 February 2018). Available here.

Schmidt, Susanne K. 'Drahtseilakt im EU-Machtdreieck.' Interview with Susanne K. Schmidt, ORF (2015). Available here.

Thierry, Jessica Sampson. ‘The Social Rights of EU Nationals.’ Article for Danes Worldwide, June 2015.

WirtschaftsWoche. 'Sozialstaat und EU-Freizügigkeit. Niedriglohnsektor zieht EU-Migranten an.' Article on Benjamin Werner's and Dorte S. Martinsen's work (13 November 2017). Available here.

Blauberger, Michael/Schmidt, Susanne K. ‘It remains unclear how much leeway member states have to restrict EU migrants' access to benefits.’ 27 July 2015, EUROPP Blog, LSE. Available here.

Davies, Gareth. ‘Union citizenship: still Europeans’ destiny after Brexit?’ European Law Blog, 7 July 2016. Available here.

Davies, Gareth. ‘Could it all have been avoided? Brexit and Treaty-permitted restrictions on the free movement of workers.’ European Law Blog, 18 August 2016. Available here.

Davies, Gareth. 'The UK and sickness insurance for mobile citizens: An inequitable mess for Brexit negotiators to address.' European Law Blog, 7 March 2017. Available here.

Kramer, Dion. ‘Had they only worked one month longer! An Analysis of the Alimanovic Case [2015] C-67/14.’ European Law Blog, 29 September 2016. Available here.

Kramer, Dion. ‘Short-term Residence, Social Benefits and the Family; an Analysis of Case C-299/14 (García-Nieto and others).’ European Law Blog, 9 March 2016. Available here.

Kramer, Dion. ‘The European Court: Shaping a Social Europe’. Den Haag: Clingendael Institute of International Relations, 3 March 2016. Available here.

Kramer, Dion. 'A right to reside for the unemployed self-employed: the case Gusa (C-442/16).' European Law Blog, 10 January 2018. Available here.

Martinsen, Dorte Sindbjerg. 'EU Free Movement of People and the Danish Welfare State. A Positive Fiscal Impact.' Research Column at Centre for European Politics, May 2017.

Martinsen, Dorte Sindbjerg; Pons Rotger, Gabriel (2017). 'Evidence from Denmark: How EU immigration can benefit the welfare state.' EUROPP Blog, LSE. Available here.

Martinsen, Dorte Sindbjerg. 'The Impact and Political Accountability of EU Citizenship.' EUDO CITIZENSHIP, European University Institute, Florence, August 2017.

Schmidt, Susanne K. 'Building Social Europe Requires Challenging the Judicialization of Citizenship.' EUDO CITIZENSHIP, European University Institute, Florence, August 2017.

Werner, Benjamin. ‘Der Brexit-Deal: Wendepunkt oder Kosmetik?’ IMPULSE – der Wissenschaftsblog der Universität Bremen, 3 March 2016. Available here.

Heindlmaier, Anita/Blauberger, Michael. ‘Wie sozial soll die EU noch sein? Freizügigkeit und Sozialleistungen nach dem Brexit-Deal.’ Policy Brief 12‘2016, Österreichische Gesellschaft für Europapolitik (ÖGfE), Wien. Available here.

Martinsen, Dorte Sindbjerg. 'Fåtal af EU-borgere modtager sociale ydelser kort efter ankomst.' "Puzzle piece" on EU free movement and the Danish welfare state, University of Copenhagen, February 2018. Available here.

Schenk, Angelika/Davies, Gareth. Participation in the seminar ‘Solutions for Migration and Mobility in the EU’, organized by the Union of European Federalists and the Young European Federalists, Maastricht, 10-11 October 2015.

Schenk, Angelika. Participation in the first and third meeting of the ‘UK-EU Facilitation Forum’, held at the European Policy Centre, Brussels, 16 December 2015 and 12 July 2016.

Schenk, Angelika. Participation in the workshop ‘Towards an Ever Closer Social Union? Das Europäische Sozialmodell im Zeichen aktueller ökonomischer wie politischer Herausforderungen in der EU’, organized by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Berlin, 19 February 2016.

Schenk, Angelika. Participation in the seminar ‘Europa der Solidarität/Sozialunion’, organized by the Institut für Europäische Politik, Europäische Akademie Otzenhausen, 28-29 June 2016.

Schenk, Angelika. Participation in the ‘Alternative Europa!’ discussion on Brexit, organized by the Institut für Europäische Politik, Berlin, 29 September 2016.