Prof. Dr. Hartmut Koehler (pensioniert)
- Boden- und angewandte Renaturierungsökologie, Sukzessionsforschung, Nachhaltigkeitsforschung
- Taxonomie der Gamasina (Acari): Bremer Raum; Kamerun: Adamaoua, extrême Nord
- ReviTec – Rehabilitierung von ökosystemaren Dienstleistungen degradierter Böden (KeKo - Kesel, Koehler & Partner, Biologen, Bremen)
- Internationale Kooperation (Univ. Ngaoundéré, Kamerun; Suez Canal University Ismailia, Ägypten)
Koehler, Hartmut <a13rprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de>
Universität Bremen
Zentrum für Umweltforschung und nachhaltige Technologien (UFT)
Abteilung Ökologie Prof. Juliane Filser
D-28359 Bremen
Daghighi, E., Koehler, H., Filser, J., 2019. Collembola and Gamasina in a 20 years secondary succession with different management. Pedobiologia, Under resubmission.
Djidjonri Farsia, P., Nukenine, E., Koehler, H., 2019: Abundance and Diversity of Insect Pests on Maize, Cowpea and Okra in a Comparative Experiment: Testing Effects of Intercropping and Insecticide in the Cameroonian Guinean Savannah and Sudano Sahelian Agro-ecological Zones. Journal of Experimental Agriculture International 29(6): 1-20
Danra, D. D, Koehler, H., Nukenine, E., 2019. Soil Acari and Collembola of savanna and experimental ReviTec site of Ngaoundéré (Adamawa, Cameroon). Pedobiologia, submitted
Danra, D. D, Nukenine, E., Koehler, H., 2018. Soil Gamasina from savanna and ReviTec site of Ngaoundéré (Adamawa, Cameroon): abundance and species diversity Soil Organisms 90: 187-198,
Ermilov, S.G. & Koehler, H., 2017: New data on oribatid mites (Acari, Oribatida) of Cameroon: results of the Joint German-Cameroonian scientific expedition (April 2016), Systematic & Applied Acarology 22(12): 2233–2244;
Daghighi, E., Koehler, H., Kesel, R., H, Filser, J., 2017. Long-term succession of Collembola communities in relation to climate change and vegetation. Pedobiologia, 64: 25-38;
Daghighi, E., Burkhardt, U, Filser, J., Koehler, H., 2016. Techniques for clearing and mounting Collembola from old collections. – Soil Organisms 88: 89-97;
Breckling, B. & Koehler, H, 2016: Ökosystemforschung in der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts - Stoffkreisläufe und Energieflüsse in ökologischen Modellen. Natur und Landschaft 91, 410-416
Zaman I., Gellhaar, M., Dede, J., Koehler, H., Foerster, A., 2016: Demo: Design and Evaluation of MoleNet for Wireless Underground Sensor Networks. Proc. 2016 IEEE 41st Conference on Local Computer Networks Workshops, DOI: 10.1109/LCN.2016.040
Ngakou, A., H. Koehler, H.C. Ngueliaha. 2014. The role of cow dung and kitchen manure composts and their non-aerated compost teas in reducing the incidence of foliar diseases of Lycopersicon esculentum (Mill). International Journal of Agricultural Research, Innovation and Technology, 4(1):88-97.
Koehler, H., Kesel, R., Ngakou, A., Mambo, O., 2013. Eine komplexe Sache: Kaffeesäcke gegen Bodendegradation und Wüstenausbreitung in Kamerun. TendenZen, Jahrbuch des Überssemuseums Bremen, 41-56.
Ngakou, A., Koundou, N., Koehler, H. 2012. The relative effects of compost and non-aerated compost tea in reducing disease symptoms and improving tuberization of Solanum tuberosum in the field. Int. J. Agric. Res. and Review, 2: 504-512
, H. & Melecis, V. 2010. Long-term observations of soil mesofauna. In: Müller, F.; Baessler, C.; Schubert, H.; Klotz, S. (Eds.), Long-Term Ecological Research, Between Theory and Application, 1st Edition., Springer, X, 350 p., Hardcover, ISBN: 978-90-481-8781-2,, 203-220
Filser J., Koehler H., Ruf A., Römbke J., Prinzing A., Schaefer M. (2008) Ecological theory meets soil ecotoxicology: challenge and chance. Basic and Applied Ecology 9, 346-355
Koehler, H., Heyser, W., Kesel, R. (2006). The ecological technology ReviTec ® in combating degradation: concept, first results, applications. In: Gao, J., Veste, M., Sun, B. Beyschlag, W. (Eds.), Restoration and stability of ecosystems in arid and semi-arid regions Beijing: Science Press Beijing, 410 pp. ISBN 7-03-01 7963 – 3, 288-303
Koehler, H., 2005: Application of Ecological Knowledge to Habitat Restoration, in: Barthlott, W., Linsenmair,K.E., Porembski,S. (eds.): Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS). UNESCO & EOLSS Publisher, www.
Weidemann, G., Koehler, H., 2004: III-2.1 Sukzession. In: Fränzle,O., Müller,F., Schröder,W., Handbuch der Umweltwissenschaften, 12. Erg. Lfg 6/04, 3-49. Landsberg, EcoMed.
Koehler, H. & J. Müller, 2003: Entwicklung der Biodiversität während einer 20-jährigen Sukzession als Grundlage für Managementmaßnahmen (BMBF), viii + 241 pp, Anhang
André, H. M., Ducarme, X., Anderson, J., Crossley, D. Jr, Koehler, H., Paoletti, M., Walter, D., Lebrun, Ph., 2001: Skilled eyes are needed to go on studying the richness for the soil. Nature, 409: 761.
Koehler, H., 2000: Natural regeneration and succession: results from a 13 yrs study with reference to mesofauna and vegetation, and implications for management. Landscape and Urban Planning 51: 123-130.
Koehler, H., 1999a: Mesostigmatic mites. In: M. G. Paoletti (ed.): The role of biodiversity and bioindication in assessing sustainability in european landscapes. Agric., Ecosystems & Environment, 74: 395-410.
Koehler, H., K. Mathes, B. Breckling (eds.), 1999b: Bodenökologie interdisziplinär. Springer, Berlin, etc., 241 pp..
Koehler, H., 1998: Secondary succession of soil mesofauna: a thirteen year study. Applied Soil Ecology 9: 81-86.
Koehler, H., E. Munderloh & S. Hofmann, 1995: Soil microarthropods (Acari, Collembola) from beach and dune: characteristics and ecosystem context. J. Coastal Cons. 1: 77-86.
Koehler, H., 1994: A case study on bioindication and its use for the assessment of ecological impact. In: M. Donker, H. Eijsackers & F. Heimbach (eds.): Ecotoxicology of Soil Organisms, Lewis, Chelsea: 427-444.
Koehler, H., 1993: Extraktionsmethoden für Bodenmesofauna. In: R. Ehrnsberger (Hg.): Bodenmesofauna und Naturschutz. Inf. Naturschutz u. Landschaftspflege in Nordwestdeutschland, 6: 42-52.
Koehler, H., 1992: The use of soil mesofauna for the judgement of chemical impact on ecosystems. Agric., Ecosystems & Environment 40: 193-205.
Koehler, H. & H. Born, 1989: The influence of vegetation structure on the development of soil mesofauna. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 27: 253-269.
Koehler, H., 1984: Zum Nahrungsspektrum und Nahrungsumsatz von Pterostichus oblongopunctatus (F.) und Pterostichus metallicus (F.) (Coleoptera, Carabidae) im Ökosystem "Buchenwald". Pedobiologia 26: 171-183.