
since 2021

Konkol JE, Becker B, Paulmann D, Steinmann E, Todt D, Meister TL, Evers S, Dotzauer A, Weide M, Brill FHH (2025). Virucidal activity of household laundry detergents and additives in simulated wash cycles. J Appl Microbiol 136: lxaf057.

Konkol JE, Becker B, Paulmann D, Steinmann E, Todt D, Meister TL, Evers S, Weide M, Dotzauer A, Brill FHH (2024). A comprehensive approach for evaluating the virucidal performance of domestic laundry detergents under practical conditions. J Appl Microbiol 135: lxae052.

Ruhlandt M, Becker B, Paulmann D, Dotzauer A, Arndt A, Todt D, Steinmann E, Steinmann J, Brill HH (2023). Impact of concentration, temperature and pH on the virucidal activity of alcohols against human adenovirus. Am J Infect Control 51: 1011-1016.

Bullerdiek J, Reisinger E, Rommel, B, Dotzauer A (2022). ABO blood groups and the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Protoplasma 259: 1381-1395.

Neumann J., Zeeb H, Dotzauer A (2022). Humorale Immunantwort von geimpften Personen im Verlauf der COVID-19-Pandemie. ASU Arbeitsmed Sozialmed Umweltmed 57: 656-660.

Dotzauer A (2021). Hepatitis A Virus. In: Encyclopedia of Virology, 4th Edition, vol. 2, Bamford, D.H. and Zuckerman, M. (eds.), Academic Press, Oxford, pp. 362-372.

Isa I, Ndams IS, Aminu M, Chechet G, Dotzauer A, Simon AY (2021). Genetic diversity of Dengue virus serotypes circulating among Aedes mosquitoes in selected regions of northeastern Nigeria. One Health 13: 100348.

Neumann J, Zeeb H, Dotzauer A (2021). Humorale Immunantwort nach COVID-19-Impfung. ASU Arbeitsmed Sozialmed Umweltmed 56: 574-575.

Neumann J, Zeeb H, Dotzauer A (2021). SARS-CoV-2-Testung von Beschäftigten des bremischen Öffentlichen Dienstes. Antigen-Schnelltest und konventionelle Nukleinsäure-amplifikation (RT-PCR) im Vergleich. ASU Arbeitsmed Sozialmed Umweltmed 56: 154-155.



Neumann J, Zeeb H, Dotzauer A, Janssen-Weets O (2020). Geringe anti-SARS-CoV-2-Seroprävalenz unter Beschäftigten des Öffentlichen Dienstes in Bremen. ASU Arbeitsmed Sozialmed Umweltmed 55: 515-516.

de Oliveira Carneiro I, Sander A-L, Silva N, Moreira-Soto A, Normann A, Flehmig B, Lukashev AN, Dotzauer A, Wieseke N, Franke CR, Drexler JF (2018). A novel marsupial hepatitis A virus corroborates complex evolutionary patterns shaping the genus Hepatovirus. J Virol 92: e00082-18.

Bullerdiek J, Dotzauer A, Bauer I (2016). The mitotic spindle: linking teratogenic effects of Zika virus with human genetics? Mol Cytogenet 9: 32.

Seggewiß N, Kruse HV, Weilandt R, Domsgen E, Dotzauer A, Paulmann D (2016). Cellular localization and effects of ectopically expressed hepatitis A virus proteins 2B, 2C, 3A and their intermediates 2BC, 3AB and 3ABC. Arch Virol 161: 851-865.

Seggewiß N, Paulmann D, Dotzauer A (2016). Lysosomes serve as platform for hepatitis A virus particle maturation and nonlytic release. Arch Virol 161: 43-52.

Drexler JF, Corman VM, Lukashev AN, van den Brand JMA, Gmyl A, Brünink S, Rasche A, Seggewiß N, Feng H, Leijten LM, Vallo P, Kuiken T, Dotzauer A, Ulrich RG, Lemon SM, Drosten S, Hepatovirus Ecology Consortium (2015). Evolutionary origins of hepatitis A virus in small mammals. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 112: 15190-15195.

Dotzauer A (2014). Hepatitis A Virus. In: Reference Module in Biomedical Research. Elsevier Inc.

Paulmann D, Bortmann S, Grimm F, Berk I, Kraemer L, Vallbracht A, Dotzauer A (2014). NF-kB activation induced by hepatitis A virus and Newcastle disease virus occurs by different pathways depending on the structural pattern of viral nucleic acids. Arch Virol 159: 1723-1733.

Weilandt R, Paulmann D, Schlottau K, Vallbracht A, Dotzauer A (2014). Mutational modifications of hepatitis A virus proteins 2B and 2C described for cell culture-adapted and attenuated virus are present in wild-type populations. Arch Virol 159: 2699-2704.

Bullerdiek J, Junghanss C, Dotzauer A (2013). Small but effective: trophoblast-derived miRNAs transported via exosomes as guardians against viral infections. Future Virol 8: 1049-1052.

Meder F, Wehling J, Fink A, Piel B, Li K, Frank K, Rosenauer A, Treccani L, Koeppen S, Dotzauer A, Rezwan K (2013). The role of surface functionalization of colloidal alumina particles on their controlled interactions with viruses. Biomaterials 34: 4203-4213.

Dotzauer A, Heitmann A, Laue T, Kraemer L, Schwabe K, Paulmann D, Flehmig B, Vallbracht A (2012). The role of immunoglobulin A in prolonged and relapsing hepatitis A virus infections. J Gen Virol 93: 754-760.

Dotzauer A, Kraemer L (2012). Innate and adaptive immune responses against picornaviruses and their counteractions: an overview. World J Virol 1: 91-107.

Prabhune M, Belge G, Dotzauer A, Bullerdiek J, Radmacher M (2012). Comparison of mechanical properties of normal and malignant cells. Micron 43: 1267-1272.



Dotzauer A (2010). Hepatitis A Virus. In: Desk Encyclopedia of Human and Medical Virology (eBook), Brian W. J. Mahy and Marc H. V. van Regenmortel, editors. Academic Press. pp. 96-104.

Dotzauer A (2008). Hepatitis A Virus. In: Encyclopedia of Virology, 5 vols. B. W. J. Mahy and M. H. V. Van Regenmortel, editors. Elsevier, Oxford. pp. 343-350.

Paulmann D, Magulski T, Schwarz R, Heitmann L, Flehmig B, Vallbracht A, Dotzauer A (2008). Hepatitis A virus protein 2B suppresses beta interferon (IFN) gene transcription by interfering with IFN regulatory factor 3 activation. J Gen Virol 89: 1593-1604.

Dotzauer A, Brenner M, Gebhardt U, Vallbracht A (2005). IgA-coated particles of hepatitis A virus are translocalized antivectorially from the apical to the basolateral site of polarized epithelial cells via the polymeric immunoglobulin receptor. J Gen Virol 86: 2747-2751.

Fensterl V, Grotheer D, Berk I, Schlemminger S, Vallbracht A, Dotzauer A (2005). Hepatitis A virus suppresses RIG-I-mediated IRF-3 activation to block induction of beta interferon. J Virol 79: 10968-10977.

Heitmann A, Laue T, Schottstedt V, Dotzauer A, Pichl L (2005). Occurrence of hepatitis A virus genotype III in Germany requires the adaptation of commercially available diagnostic test systems. Transfusion 45: 1097-1105.

Normann A, Jung C, Vallbracht A, Flehmig B (2003). Time Course of Hepatitis A Viremia and Viral Load in the Blood of Human Hepatitis A Patients. J Med Virol 72: 10-16.

Vallbracht A (2003). Hepatitis A Virus (HAV). In: Lexikon der Infektionskrankheiten des Menschen. Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York.

Brack K, Berk I, Magulski T, Lederer J, Dotzauer A, Vallbracht A (2002). Hepatitis A virus inhibits cellular anti-viral defense mechanisms induced by double-stranded RNA. J Virol 76: 11920-11930.

Dotzauer A (2002). Wie gelangt das Hepatitis A-Virus in die Leber? BIOspektrum 5/2002: 623-625.

Dotzauer A, Vallbracht A (2002). Überlebensstrategien des Hepatitis A-Virus. BIOforum 5/2002: 316-317.

Wünschmann S, Becker B, Vallbracht A (2002). Hepatitis A Virus suppresses Monocyte-to-Macrophage Maturation in vitro. J Virol 76: 4350-4356.

Hornei B, Kämmerer R, Moubayed P, Frings W, Gauss-Müller V, Dotzauer A (2001). Experimental hepatitis A virus infection in guinea pigs. J Med Virol 64: 402-409.

Frings W, Dotzauer A (2001). Adaptation of primate cell-adapted hepatitis A virus strain HM175 to growth in guinea pig cells is independent from mutations in the 5’ nontranslated region. J Gen Virol 82: 597-602.



Dotzauer A, Gebhardt U, Bieback K, Göttke U, Kracke A, Mages J, Lemon SM, Vallbracht A (2000). Hepatitis A virus-specific immunoglobulin A mediates infection of hepatocytes with hepatitis A virus via the asialoglycoprotein receptor. J Virol 74: 10950-10957.

Schmitz G, Dotzauer A (1998). Proof of hepatitis A virus negative-sene RNA by RNA/DNA-hybrid detection: A method for specific detection of both viral negative- and positive-strand RNA species. Nucleic Acids Res 26: 5230-5232.

Brack K, Frings W, Dotzauer A, Vallbracht A (1998). A cytopathogenic, apoptosis-inducing variant of hepatitis A virus. J Virol 72: 3370-3376.

Dotzauer A, Vallbracht A, Keil GM (1995). The proposed gene for VP1 of HAV encodes for a larger protein than that observed in HAV-infected cells and virions. Virology 213: 671-675.

Dotzauer A, Feinstone SM, Kaplan G (1994). Susceptibility of nonprimate cell lines to hepatitis A virus infection. J Virol 68: 6064-6068.

Einsele H, Ehninger G, Steidle M, Fischer I, Bihler S, Gerneth F, Vallbracht A, Schmidt H, Waller HD, Müller CA (1993). Lymphocytopenia as an unfavourable prognostic factor in patients with CMV infection after bone marrow transplantation. Blood 82: 1672-1678.

Graff J, Dotzauer A, Ticehurst JR, Vallbracht A, Flehmig B (1993). Detection of hepatitis A virus in sludge by blot hybridization and cell culture technique. In: Wiener Mitteilungen zu Contamination of the environment by viruses and methods of control, Band 112: 1-4.

Vallbracht A, Fleischer B (1993). Immunpathogenesis of hepatitis A virus infection. In: Immunology and liver. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston, London.

Vallbracht A, Fleischer B, Busch FW (1993). Hepatitis A: Hepatropism and influence on myelopoiesis. In: Viruses and Virus-like Agents in Disease. S. Karger, Basel.

Vallbracht A, Löhler J, Gossmann J, Glück T, Petersen D, Gerth HJ, Gencic M, Dörries K (1993). Disseminated BK type polyomavirus infection in an AIDS patient associated with central nervous system disease. Am J Path 143: 29-39.

Busch FW, Kunst A, Flehmig B, Mergenthaler HG, Pawelec G, Vallbracht A (1992). Myelopoiesis in vitro is suppressed by hepatitis A virus. Ann Hematol 64: 132-136.

Einsele H, Ehninger G, Steidle M, Vallbracht A, Müller M, Schmidt H, Saal JG, Waller HD, Müller CA (1991). Polymerase chain reaction to evaluate antiviral therapy for cytomegalovirus disease. Lancet 338: 1170-1172.

Einsele H, Steidle R, Vallbracht A, Saal G, Ehninger G, Müller CA (1991). Early occurence of human cytomegalovirus infection after bone marrow transplantation as demonstrated by the polymerase chain reaction technique. Blood 77: 1104-1110.

Fleischer B, Vallbracht A (1991). Demonstration of virus-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes in liver tissue in hepatitis A - a model for immunopathological reactions. Behring Inst Mitt 89: 226-230.

Martin R, Vallbracht A, Kreth HW (1991). Interferon-gamma secretion by in vivo activated cytotoxic T lymphocytes from the blood and cerebrospinal fluid during mumps miningitis. J Neuroimmunol 33: 191-198.

Vallbracht A (1991). Infektionen durch Viren. In: Infektionen bei abwehrgeschwächten Patienten. Wissenschaftl Verlagsges

Einsele H, Vallbracht A, Müller CA (1990). Comparison of different techniques for detection of cytomegalovirus infection following bone marrow transplantation. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis 9: 595-600.

Fleischer B, Fleischer S, Maier K, Wiedmann KH, Sacher M, Thaler H, Vallbracht A (1990). Clonal analysis of infiltrating T lymphocytes in liver tissue in viral hepatitis A. Immunology 69: 14-19.

Liebich HM, Dotzauer A (1989). Quantitative determination of oxocarboxylic and hydroxycarboxylic acids in normal individuals and ketoacidotic patients. J High Resolution Chromatography 12: 160-163.

Liebich HM, Dotzauer A, Tetschner B (1989). Gas chromatographic determination of oxo- and hydroxycarboxylic acids in serum and urine of diabetic and normal subjects. J Chromatogr 468: 157-165.