Linguistik/Language Sciences (Bachelor)

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    Fachbereich 10

    Linguistik/Language Sciences (Bachelor)

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)

6 Semester


Bewerbungszeitraum Erstsemester
winter semester: 01.05 - 15.07.
summer semester: 01.12. - 15.01.


Fachwissenschaftlicher Bachelor wählbar als

  • major subject
  • minor subject


The objective of Language Sciences is to grasp and explain the general principles according to which the world's languages are learned and applied in communication. This entails inquiry into which model best describes linguistic factors and which cognitive and social conclusions can be drawn from the analysis of language(s). Within the framework of Applied Linguistics there is an equally important focus on how to successfully deal with the knowledge thus obtained in non-academic occupational fields. In general, students are concerned with the analysis and evaluation of linguistic data, the compilation and organisation of data, computer processing, the variety and unity of language(s) and the application of language in communication. N.B.: Studies in Language Sciences do not involve learning a foreign language and literature themes are also not dealt with. Studies also do not include German language studies or German linguistics, as this belongs to the field of German Studies.

