Getting it Done. How to complete your dissertation – methods and motivation

Veranstaltung 2024-38

Date: 21 + 22 November 2024, 09:00 - 17:00 + 9:00 - 12:30

Venue: Online

Trainer: Dr. Jan Stamm

Target Group: Doctoral candidates in the final year of their PhD


Most of the content of your dissertation is now clearly defined. Outline and structure are beginning to take shape and the submission deadline is drawing closer. Your main question is:

“How can I use the remaining time most efficiently?”

The “Getting it Done”-workshop provides you with useful tools to tackle the final stage of your dissertation with as little hassle as possible. Get to know tried and tested methods for developing  your own realistic project schedule. It is also important for you to keep working continuously until you finally submit your dissertation: learn how to develop helpful strategies to cope with persistent levels of stress and strain. Depending on participants' specific needs and interests, we will also focus on techniques for efficient writing, the topic of supervision and support, and questions concerning the defense.

If you already participated in other project- and time-management workshops, the “Getting it done”-workshop is an excellent opportunity to remember strategies and techniques that already worked for you in the past, to refine them, and to commit yourself again to using those methods that really help you to be productive.


Contents in brief

  • Project scheduling: How to draw up a realistic project schedule for the final stage of your dissertation
  • Iterative incremental planning
  • Basic strategies and tools for an efficient time- and self-management (i.e. pomodoro technique, phases of productivity, implementation intentions …)
  • Setting priorities
  • Efficient writing
  • My working attitude: pragmatism and productivity



  • Input and discussion
  • Individual and group work
  • Coaching techniques


To book your place in this workshop (course number 2023-38), please fill out this registration form.

Accessibility: If you have special needs, please feel free to contact us. We will do our best to support you accordingly.

Dr. Jan Stamm

Dr. Jan Stamm

Jan Stamm is a trainer and coach with years of experience in science and academia. His target group are PhD candidates from all disciplines. Most often he works with interdisciplinary groups.

Jan Stamm studied philosophy, linguistics, and economics at the Universität Dortmund, the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, and the Nottingham University. He finished the interdisciplinary graduate program of the Berlin School of Mind and Brain. His philosophical PhD deals with questions about autonomy and resilience (summa cum laude).

One major focus of his work as a trainer and coach is self- and time-management and research-project-management. Another emphasis lies on workshops on viva defense and rhetoric. He also works as a PhD coach for teams and individuals.

Outside of academia he offers workshops and coachings which focus on the reduction of stress and a healthy work-life balance.

Aktualisiert von: M. Saade