Dr. Annika S. Wienke, M.Sc.

Portraitfot von Annika Wienke

Vice head of the laboratory

Psychologist, Dr. rer. nat.
Neuroscientist, M.Sc.


University of Bremen

Mary-Somerville Straße 3, Room 3.3330

28359 Bremen

Phone: 0421/218-68666

E-Mail: annika.wienkeprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

  • Neurophysiological correlates of cognitive processes during the life span
  • Influences of the socio-cultural backgrounds on development
  • Sensory and cognitive processes of the brain
  • Neuronal networks

Scientific Career

since 2020

Vice head of the laboratory

Project: BRISE – Bremen Initiative to Foster Early Childhood Development

since 2018

Research Associate / University of Bremen

Project: BRISE – Bremen Initiative to Foster Early Childhood Development

Doctorate Dr. rer. nat.

Institute for psychology and cognition research / University of Bremen

Brain maturation throughout adolescence: An EEG study


M.Sc. in Neurosciences, University of Bremen


B.Sc. in Integrated Life Sciences – Biology, Biomathematics, Biophysics, Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Nuremberg, Germany.

2012/13: international internship at Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brasil.


Teaching experience

since 2019

(Co-) academic supervisor in:

  • Doctorate Dr. rer. nat., University of Bremen
  • M.Sc. Neurosciences, University of Bremen
  • M.Sc. Clinical Psychology, University of Oldenburg
  • B.Sc. Psychology, University of Bremen
  • B.Sc. Biology, University of Bremen
since 2016

Teaching staff member at the Universiy of Bremen

Degree course: B.Sc. Psychology

  • Practical training in experimental psychology
  • Seminars: „Learning & memory“, „Perception“ und  „Emotion & motivation“
  • Lecture series „General Psychology 1“

Degree course: M.Sc. Neurosciences

  • Advanced Studies: EEG
  • Supervision of laboratory internships


Research Papers

  • Wienke AS, Mathes B.: Socioeconomic inequalities affect brain responses of infants growing up in Germany. Brain Sciences. (2024) 14(6):560 [open acces]. https://doi.org/10.3390/brainsci14060560

  • Mathes, B., Kemmerich, R., Wienke, A.S. (2024). Experimentelles Arbeiten mit Kindern aus verschiedenen (Sprach-)Kulturen und mit familiären Herausforderungen. Frühe Bildung (2024), 13 (2): 116-118. https://econtent.hogrefe.com/doi/full/10.1026/2191-9186/a000666
  • Kiel, N., Samdan, G., Wienke, A.S., Reinelt, T., Pauen, S., Mathes, B., Herzmann, C. (2024) From co-regulation to self-regulation: Maternal soothing strategies and self-efficacy in relation to maternal reports of infant regulation at 3 and 7 months. 45(2), 135-152. https://doi.org/10.1002/imhj.22098
  • Küçük, K.M., Wienke, A.S., Mathes, B., Başar-Eroğlu, C. (2023). Multistable perception elicits compensatory alpha activity in older adults. Front Aging Neurosci. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnagi.2023.1136124
  • Rürup, L.,Mathes, B., Schmiedt-Fehr, C., Wienke, A. S., Özerdem, A., Brand, A., Başar-Eroğlu, C. (2020). Altered gamma and theta oscillations during multistable perception in schizophrenia, International Journal of Psychophysiology. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2020.06.002
  • Wienke, A. S., Başar-Eroğlu, C., Schmiedt-Fehr, C., Mathes, B. (2018). Novelty N2-P3a complex and theta oscillations reflect improving neural coordination within frontal brain networks during adolescence, Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnbeh.2018.00218
  • Wienke, A. S., Schmiedt-Fehr, C., Başar-Eroğlu, C., Mathes, B. (2018). Maturation of connectivity in oscillatory brain networks: An EEG study of novelty processing, International Journal of Psychophysiology 131. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2018.07.461
  • Mathes, B., Khalaidovski, K., Wienke, A. S., Schmiedt-Fehr, C., Başar-Eroğlu, C. (2016). Maturation of the P3 and concurrent oscillatory processes during early and late adolescence, Clinical Neurophysiology, 127, 2599-609. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clinph.2016.04.019

Poster & Scientific presentation:

  • Frischen, U., Wienke, A.S. (2023). Symposium: Einfluss- & Risikofaktoren frühkindlicher Entwicklung, Fachgruppentagung Entwicklungspsychologie [Symposium; influence & risk factors of early childhood development, expert group conferenz on developmental psychology], Berlin, Germany.
  • Wienke, A. S., Mathes, B. (2023). Einfluss des Sozioökonomischen Status auf Elektrophysiologische Verarbeitung akustischer Reizänderung von Säuglingen
  • Wienke, A.S., Zwad, H.E., Frischen, U., Mathes, B. (2023). Focused attention and distractibility at the age of 18 months – and its possible influence by previous media exposure, Fachgruppentagung Entwicklungs­psychologie, Berlin, Deutschland.
  • Wienke, A.S., Zwad, H.E., Frischen, U., Mathes, B. (2023). Focused attention and distractibility at the age of 18 months – and its possible influence by previous media exposure, 2nd BRISE Conference on Early Childhood Development, Berlin, Deutschland.
  • Kayser, R., Frischen, U., Mathes, B., Wienke, A.S. (2023). Overview of child assessments in the longitudinal study BRISE, 2nd BRISE Conference on Early Childhood Development, Berlin, Deutschland
  • Wienke, A., Ruge, J., Mathes, B. (2022). Impact of socio-economic status on electrophysiological response to acoustic stimulus change in infants. FLUX Society Annual Conference; September 7-9,  2022, Paris, France.
  • Mathes, B., Wienke, A. S., Kiel, N., Wastl, F. L., Kemmerich, R., Macha, T., Kröger, H. (2022). Recruitment strategies targeting young families with socio-economic and cultural challenges. 52nd Congress of the German Psychological Society, September 10-15, 2022, Hildesheim, Germany. 
  • Wienke, A., Mathes, B. (2022). "Einfluss des sozioökonomischen Status auf die elektrophysiologische Verarbeitung akustischer Reizänderung von Säuglingen", Familiäre Herkunft und frühkindliche Entwicklung online; 9.-11. März 2022.
  • Kiel, N., Samdan, G., Wienke, A., Reinelt, T., Pauen, P., Mathes, B., Herzmann, C. (2022). "Von Ko-Regulation zur Selbst-Regulation: Zusammenhänge von mütterlichem Beruhigungsverhalten, mütterlicher Erziehungsselbstwirksamkeit und Säuglingsregulation", Familiäre Herkunft und frühkindliche Entwicklung online; 9.-11. März 2022.
  • Wienke, A., Bauer, C., Mathes, B. (2021). Electrophysiological response to acoustic stimulus change in infants, Symposium, 46. Psychologie und Gehirn, Freiburg, Deutschland.
  • Wienke, A., Bauer, C., Mathes, B. (2021). Impact of Socio-Economic Status on electrophysiological response to acoustic stimulus change in infants, AMID Workshop, Magdeburg, Deutschland.
  • Wienke,A. S., Kröger, H., Mathes, B. (2020). Impact of the Socio-Economic Status on the Developing Brain, Tagung des Wissenschaftlichen Beirats von BRISE, Berlin, Deutschland.
  • Eickmeyer, S., Wienke,A. S., Mathes, B., Pauen, S., Petermann, F., Zierul, C. (2019). Ablenkbar trotz fokussierter Aufmerksamkeit? - Eine Pilotstudie mit 18 Monate alten Kindern, BRISE-Tagung, Berlin, Deutschland.
  • Mathes, B., Peykarjou, S., Wienke,A. S., Zierul, C., Petermann, F., Pauen, S. (2019). Brain responses indicating fast categorization of unfamiliar stimuli in 7 to 9 month old infants, BRISE-Tagung, Berlin, Deutschland.
  • Wienke,A. S., Kröger, H., Petermann, F., Mathes, B., (2019). Socio-Economic Status and the Developing Brain, paEpsy-Tagung, Leipzig, Deutschland.
  • P Stoyanova,Wienke,A. S., Römer, P., Petermann: F., Mathes, B.(2019). Neurophysiological marker of parental depression and anxiety during development - A systematic Review, paEpsy-Tagung, Leipzig, Deutschland.
  • Wienke,A. S., Basar-Eroglu, C., Schmiedt-Fehr, C., Mathes, B. (2019). Maturation of connectivity in oscillatory brain networks: An EEG study of novelty processing, 45. Psychologie und Gehirn, Dresden, Deutschland.
  • Wienke,A. S., Basar-Eroglu, C., Schmiedt-Fehr, C., Mathes, B. (2018). Maturation of connectivity in oscillatory brain networks: An EEG study of novelty processing, 19th World Congress of Psychophysiology - IOP, Lucca, Italien.
  • Wienke,A. S., Basar-Eroglu, C., Mathes, B. (2018). Maturation of connectivity in oscillatory brain networks: An EEG study of novelty processing, 4th Career Day Neuroscience, Oldenburg, Deutschland.
  • Wienke,A. S., Basar-Eroglu, C., Mathes, B. (2017). Maturation of connectivity in oscillatory brain networks: An EEG study of novelty processing, 26. Deutsches Mapping Meeting, Gießen, Deutschland.
  • Wienke,A. S., Basar-Eroglu, C., Mathes, B. (2017). Maturation of connectivity in oscillatory brain networks: An EEG study, 2nd Meeting on "Perspectives and Future Directions in Social Neuroscience – Social Interaction from Rodents to Humans", Lübeck, Deutschland.
  • Wienke,A. S, Mathes, B., Basar-Eroglu, C. (2017). Maturation of the spatial connectivity during adolescence, 3rd Career Day Neuroscience, Oldenburg, Deutschland.
  • Mathes, B., Khalaidovski, K., Wienke,A. S., Schmiedt-Fehr, C., Basar-Eroglu, C. (2016). Maturation of the P3 and concurrent oscillatory processes during adolescence, 42. Tagung Psychologie und Gehirn, Berlin, Deutschland.
  • Mathes, B., Khalaidovski, K., Wienke,A. S., Gyimah, B. Schmiedt-Fehr, C. (2015). Breaking the link between target detection and response initiation during adolescence, FLUX, 3rd Annual congress of the International Society for Integrative Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, Leiden, Niederlande.
08/2018Research grants for Conference Trips IOP 2018 from German Academic Exchange Service
04/2017Research grants for Conference Trips & experimental costs from the Central Research Development Fund of the University of Bremen
06/2016Scholarship: Bridge scholarship during doctorate of the Central Research Development Fund of the University of Bremen