BRISE - Bremen Initiative to Foster Early Childhood Development (BRISE)

Der türkise Farbkleck "BRISEL" mit dem Schriftzug " BRISE - Bremer Initiative zur Stärkung frühkindlicher Entwicklung"


Article in Brain Sciences

May 30th, 2024

Wienke AS, Mathes B.: Socioeconomic inequalities affect brain responses of infants growing up in Germany.

Brain Sciences. 14(6):560 [open acces].

3rd BRISE conference on early childhood development

From September 26 to 27, 2024 the Third BRISE Conference On Early Childhood Develpment will take place in Berlin. Further information is availble under

Special issue

April 2024:

The journal Frühe Bildung (hogrefe Verlag; in German) has published a special issue on early education with contribution from the BRISE groups (2024) 13 (2)

EPSY 2023, Berlin, Germany

September 2023

Dr. Ulrike Frischen & Dr. Annika Wienke, among others, organized with other consortium partners a symposium on the influence on & risk factors of early childhood development. Poster contributions illustrated media usage in early childhood.

2nd BRISE conference, Berlin, Germany

June 19-20, 2023

The „Second International BRISE conference on Early Childhood Development“ took place in Berlin, Germany. Keynote speakers were Prof. Pauline Slot (The Netherlands) and Prof. Kathrin Hirsh-Pasek (USA).

Working place with laptop, papers and pens.

Looking for a thesis (Bachelor/Master) in psychology, neurosciences or Public Health?

BRISE supports theses on different aspects of early childhood development and education. We have survey data, EEG data, and topics for systematic reviews available. If you are interested in writing your thesis on topics related to disadvantaged populations, migration, early childhood development, or public services for children, please contact us at!


Stay up to date with our latest BRISE Newsletter:

Further information for families on BRISE can be found here: