Doctoral Researchers

Our Offers for Doctoral Researchers

Qualification Program

BYRD offers a transdisciplinary qualification program specifically designed for doctoral researchers.

Our workshops and events support PhD candidates in their research process and provide additional qualifications for the academic career path, as well as for the job market outside the university after completion of a PhD.

We also organize writing spaces and support PhD writing groups.

The course program is free of charge for all doctoral researchers at the University of Bremen.



Our individual consultations for doctoral researchers and those interested in pursuing a doctoral degree help to clarify questions about the entire process of doctoral research.

We address a wide range of questions from "Do I want to do a PhD?, to "How does doctoral education work in Germany in general, and at the University of Bremen in particular?", to "How do I prepare for the time after my PhD research?"

We also offer confidential consultations in case of difficulties, for instance when conflicts with supervisors arise or when researchers are thinking about terminating their PhD projects.

Contact us for information on funding opportunities, stays abroad, and binational PhD regulations (co-tutelle).


Sharing professional and personal experiences and ideas with other doctoral researchers can be very motivational. We support networking through various formats and events.

"Doc-Networks": Doc-networks can be formed on the initiative of doctoral candidates who share a common research interest or methodology.

"Teaming Up": Doctoral researchers form teams to meet regularly and to accompany each other during the PhD process. A coach supports the team in peer coaching sessions.

"International PhD Students' Meeting": these regular after-work meetings are great occasions to meet fellow doctoral researchers, especially for newcomers, and to ask the BYRD team all sorts of questions.

Additional Support

Equipment for research interviews

PhD candidates who carry out interviews as part of their research can borrow digital recording equipment (Olympus WS-812) and a USB foot pedal for easier and faster transcription (for use with the programs f4 and f5). For more information please contact Maren Droste.


Impulse Grants

Doctoral researchers can receive support through the Central Research Development Fund of the University for activities that clearly contribute an added value to their PhD project, such as active participation at high-level conferences or summer schools, research sojourns at renowned institutions, additional experiments, interdisciplinary projects or cooperation projects undertaken with international partners. Doctoral students can apply for up to 1500 € for a maximum of two activities during their PhD. Further information on Impulse Grants


Our Program

07.08. Oct
Neue Wege für Postdocs I: Profilentwicklung für den Arbeitsmarkt
09:00 16:00
10.11. Oct
Fit for Leadership?!
09:00 17:00
15.16. Oct
Good Scientific Practice – Protecting research integrity
SFG 1060
09:00 13:00
23. Oct
Lehrkompetenz und Forschungserfahrung im Berufungsverfahren
10:00 15:00
24. Oct
Artificial Intelligence Tools: Responsible use and applications in research and academia
09:00 17:00
07.08. Nov
Scientific Writing: Turning the blank page into a manuscript
via Zoom
10:00 16:00
13. Nov
Making the most of supervision
09:00 17:00
15. Nov
Neue Wege für Postdocs II: Vom Profil zum Job
09:00 16:00
21.22. Nov
Getting it Done. How to complete your dissertation – methods and motivation
via Zoom
09:00 12:30
27. Nov
Drittmittelakquise für die Postdocphase
09:30 12:30
04. Dec
Activate Your Personal Resources: How to stay healthy and focused in academia
09:00 17:00
09. Dec
Upshift your PhD!
09:00 17:00
11. Dec
Revise, Rewrite, Review: How to edit your academic texts as a non-native speaker
09:00 16:00

eLearning Course „Good Academic Practice during Doctoral Studies“

How should research results be documented? What is the right way to cite? How does one handle image sources? Answers to questions about working correctly are provided in the eLearning course "Good Academic Practice during Doctoral Studies" in German and English. GRADE, the graduate academy of the Goethe University Frankfurt, has designed this course to be interdisciplinary and has provided a review of additional topics regarding doctoral work: how to wisely plan and organize the research project and which legal aspects, such as in labor law or copyright law, are relevant for doctoral researchers. In cooperation with GRADE, the eLearning course can also be attended by doctoral researchers of University of Bremen! Five modules are available, containing comprehensive information, tests to check the knowledge gained as well as supplementary information materials. Completing all the modules takes about 60 minutes. At the end, you can choose to receive a certificate. You can view a demo version here. For receiving a license key for your individual registration please send an email to Diana Ebersberger.