Information for Media Representatives

The MZH reflected in a lake in Campus Park.


The Administrative Unit for University Communication and Marketing (COMMA) keeps you up to date with what moves the university. We answer your questions about the University of Bremen, help you to get in touch with experts, and issue filming and photo permits. For general inquiries, get in touch with us at presseprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de or contact someone from our teams for press and public relations, online editing, social media, marketing, and translations.

Subscribe to receive our press releases

We gladly provide journalists with regular email updates of our press releases. However, currently, these emails are available in German only. On our website, you will find most current press releases in English also.

Topics of Interest at the University of Bremen

Several photovoltaic systems on the roof of the Mensa Cafeteria at the University of Bremen. Parts of the campus can be seen in the background


The University of Bremen is committed to sustainability. This involves, on the one hand, taking a scientific approach to the issue with numerous projects and, on the other hand, constantly reviewing the university’s own actions to ensure that they are in line with environmental, social, and economic sustainability.

University of Bremen Illustration

Academic Integrity and Research Ethics

Academic transparency of research findings and methods applied is an important feature of all teaching and research activities at the University of Bremen.

University of Bremen Illustration

Animal Testing in Research and Teaching

Animal experiments are controversial in the public sphere and misinformation often circulates. In order to counteract said misinformation, this page on animal experiments at the University of Bremen intends to provide an insight into the aims, motivation, and work with animals at our institution.

Two students with folders in their hands looking into the camera

International Cooperation: YUFE

YUFE, short for "Young Universities for the Future of Europe," is an alliance of ten European universities and two non-university partners selected and funded by the European Commission.

About the University

Students walking along the MZH and chatting

Facts & Figures

The “Uni in Zahlen” (the university in numbers) annual statistical report contains figures, tables, and diagrams, showing the structure and development of the University of Bremen and its achievements over the past year.

Flags of the University of Bremen in front of the MZH building.

Mission Statement

Sustainability is the fundamental guiding principle of the University of Bremen. In view of the climate crisis, the extinction of species, and other crises threatening the existence of the world, the global sustainability goals and climate justice are central concerns of the university.

Rektorin Jutta Günther und ihr Team stehen nebeneinander auf dem Boulevard der Universität Bremen und schauen in die Kamera.

University Executive Board

The current University Executive Board has been in office since 2022. Find out more about its members here.

Woman working with test tubes.


We provide image material of the university and the executive board free of charge for publications of the University of Bremen or media coverage of scientific or university topics.

Our Publications

View of the glass hall from the boulevard.


Have a look at the latest press releases, news and personalia of the University of Bremen as well as archived news from 2016 onwards.

Online Magazin up2date. on tablet


Archived and current publications: update. University of Bremen Magazine, the up2date. online magazine, “University of Bremen” image brochure, and the University Yearbook.

Ein Laptop steht auf einem Tisch auf dem die Webseite der Zeitleiste der Universität Bremen geöffnet ist.


This digital timeline outlines the central and formative events from its foundation as a reform university in 1971 to the present day.

University Boulevard with the Campus Student Resident Hall in the background.

Campus Stories

The University of Bremen is defined by the people who research, teach, work, and study here. In the “Campus Stories” series, we introduce these people to you.