Solid-state chemical crystallography group

  • Gesing group 2024

    Gesing Group


Contact us

Secretary's office CKfS

Executive Secretary: Gabriele Ebert

University of Bremen
Department 2 Biology/Chemistry
Leobener Straße 7
Room C3030
D-28334 Bremen, Germany

Phone: +49 (421) 218 63141
Fax: +49 (421) 218 98 63141
E-Mail: Click here

Availability secretary's office:
Odd week 
Monday, Thursday, Friday (HO
Even week
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday (HO)
10 a.m. to 4 p.m.


M. Mangir Murshed


It is with great pleasure that we announce the appointment of M. Mangir Murshed as Professor at the Department of Biology and Chemistry. His research on the topic "Stereochemical Activity of Lone Electron Pair from a Solid State Perspective" represents an outstanding contribution to solid state research.

Sarah Wittmann


Sarah Wittmann successfully defended her doctoral thesis today. Congratulations on your wonderful success!


July 2023

The online magazine of the University up2date presents the research and work of geoscientist Ella Schmidt (FB05) and this working group in the July issue. Continue to the article.

Niels Lefeld


Niels Lefeld successfully defended his doctoral thesis today. Congratulations on your wonderful success!

Posterprize ADD 2022


Congratulations Konrad Krämer for winning the ADD2022 poster prize for the contribution "Effects of measurement parameters on pair destribution function calculation from in-house total scattering data"!

Updated by: CKfS