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IEEE SmartNets'24

Our work on evaluating Reflexive Forwarding for ICNs was accepted at IEEE SmartNets'24

Reflexive Forwarding (RF) is a draft standard being discussed at the IETF for Information Centric Networks (ICN). The Internet of Things (IoT) produces and consumes vast amounts of data, positioning it as an optimal choice for harnessing the power of information-centric networks. However, the pull-type communication paradigm, a primary architectural pillar of ICNs, must be adapted to handle push-type communications prevalent in the IoT. RF provides the mechanisms to enable an information-centric IoT. In our research, we asked the question, "Reflexive Forwarding: Way Forward for Communications in an Information-centric IoT?" and attempted to find an answer by modeling and simulating a large-scale IoT using ICNs as the primary communication architecture. The findings of this work were accepted to be presented at the IEEE SmartNets'24 conference in Washington, D.C., U.S.A., at the end of May 2024.

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