Diginomics Research Group

Research Group: „Diginomics – Digitalization, Business & Society"

Diginomics is a group of over 30 members, including professors, senior researchers, postdocs and PhD students. Our goal is to create an inspiring and supportive research environment in which our PhD students can develop their full potential. We value excellence in academic work and actively promote the individual research interests of our members. Together, we aim to gain new insights that will help shape a sustainable and innovative digital future for business and society.


Max-von-Laue Straße 1,

WiWi2 28359 Bremen

Phone: +49 (0)421 218 - 66 740

E-Mail: diginomicsprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

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Social Media


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Stefan Mayer at the Diginomics Brownbag Seminar

Time: 13.11.2024, 12 pm, F4090 Speaker: Stefan Mayer, University of Tübingen Title: "The True Face of Trustworthiness: Does Perceived Facial Trustworthiness Predict Trustworthy Behavior?" Stefan Mayer of University of Tübingen will give a talk during the upcoming Diginomics Brownbag Seminar.

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Tobias Röth at the Diginomics Brownbag Seminar

Time: October 23, 2024, 12 pm, F4090

Speaker: Tobias Röth, University of Bremen

Title: “Supporting AI-Based Innovations – Journey of a Qualitative Study”

Tobias Röth from University of Bremen will give a talk during the upcoming Diginomics Brownbag Seminar.

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Diginomics Summer Conference

The 1st Diginomics Summer Conference was a resounding success! On the 3rd of July 2024, we welcomed participants to the state-of-the-art facilities at DIGITAL HUB INDUSTRY Bremen. We were even treated to a guided tour, to experience the full scale of the technical and networking facilities DHI has…

Diginomics Summer Conference

Diginomics Summer Conference

The 1st Diginomics conference will take place on July 3rd starting at 11am at Digital Hub Industry. Their offices and technical facilities are located on Konrad-Zuse-Straße 6a – please make your way to the “Maschinenraum” by 11am for reception and registration.

Register your participation here.


Summer Conference 2024 Poster

Diginomics Summer Conference

We are delighted to announce the 1st Diginomics mini-conference, which will take place on the 3rd July 2024 at the University of Bremen. Our conference is primarily aimed at early stage researchers looking to gain further experience in conference submission and presentation processes including the…

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Fabiola Gerpott at the Diginomics Brownbag Seminar

Time: 26. June 2024, 12 pm, F4090

Speaker: Fabiola Gerpott, Otto Beisheim School of Management

Title: It’s Significant! …Or Not? Registered Reports: A New Route to Publishing Rigorous Research in Management & OB

Fabiola Gerpott of the Otto Beisheim School of Management will give a talk during the…

Sebastian Lins Brownbag Talk

Sebastian Lins at the Diginomics Brownbag Seminar

Time: 12. June 2024, 12 pm, F4090

Speaker: Sebastian Lins, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Title: Investigating the Emergence and Consequences of Consumer Skepticism toward Web Seals

Sebastian Lins of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology will give a talk during the upcoming Diginomics Brownbag…

Petyo Budakov Brownbag Talk

Petyo Budakov at the Diginomics Brownbag Seminar

Time: 29. May 2024, 12 pm, F4090

Speaker: Petyo Budakov, XU Exponential University of Applied Sciences

Title: Crafting Sustainable Mobile Experiences: A UI/UX Design Exploration for Knowledge Exchange Using IDEO's Human Centered Design Process

Petyo Budakov of the XU Exponential University of…

Frank Kirchner Brownbag Talk

Frank Kirchner at the Diginomics Brownbag Seminar

Time: 15. May 2024, 12 pm, WiWi1 A1070

Speaker: Frank Kirchner, DFKI GmbH

Title: AI Based Robotics

Frank Kirchner of the DFKI GmbH will give a talk during the upcoming Diginomics Brownbag Seminar.

Lara Lobschat Brownbag Talk

Lara Lobschat at Diginomics Brownbag Seminar

Time: 08. May 2024, 12 pm, F4090

Speaker: Lara Lobschat, Maastricht University

Title: Breaking Through the Ad Clutter: The Role of Viewability and Ad Characteristics

Lara Lobschat from the Maastricht University will give a talk during the upcoming Diginomics Brownbag Seminar.

Testimonials from graduates of the Diginomics Research Group


“Bremen is a livable and lovable city with a long history. The distances within the city are short and there are many green spaces to relax after work.”


Dr. Aki Harima

Postdoctoral researcher and lecturer at the Chair in Small Business and Entrepreneurship at the University of Bremen, and member of the Diginomics Research Group


"In the Diginomics Research Group, I work with academics who bring diverse perspectives and methods to the topic of digitization. This interdisciplinarity is necessary to tackle the most recent challenges. The topic of digitization is too complex and urgent to be answered from a single technical perspective.“


Dr. Michèle Rieth

Research associate at the Chair of Business Psychology & Human Resource, and member of the Diginomics Research Group


“The Diginomics Research Group is a place for ideas and discussion. Regular events such as brownbag seminars and research talks offer a forum for the exchange of research ideas and discussion of the important issues of our time.”


Dr. Daniel Metko

Research associate in the field of Business Administration, in particular Empirical Capital Market Research and Derivatives, as well as member of the Diginomics Research Group

Research Foci

"In my research project, I'm investigating how chatbots can appear more human. This will enable us to improve human-machine interaction on websites in the future.”


Mirko Wiemann

Research assistant and PhD student in the working group "Consumer Behavior",  and member of the Diginomics Research Group.


“The doctoral students in the Diginomics group form a community. Professional but also personal exchange as well as an open and appreciative atmosphere characterize the cooperation.”



PhD student at the Chair of General Business Administration, Maritime Economics and Logistics, and member of the Diginomics Research Group

