
on Accessible E-Learning and Teaching

New guide for teachers: Studying with Impairment - Learning without Barriers

Literature tip

The new guide "Studying with Impairment - Learning without Barriers" ("Studieren mit Beeinträchtigung - Lernen ohne Barrieren" - LoB) is online. It was created by Dr. Ingrid Zondervan from the Contact and Information Center for Students with Disabilities or Chronic Illness ("Kontakt- und Informationsstelle für Studierende mit Behinderung oder chronischer Erkrankung - KIS) and the Critical Initiative for Diversity and Inclusion (Kritische Initiative für Vielfalt und Inklusion - kivi).

The guide provides comprehensive information about impairments and disabilities. It explains the legal basis for teachers as well as the compensation for disadvantages that students with impairments can claim (in German: "Nachteilsausgleich"). Other contents include testimonials from students with disabilities and advice for teachers on barrier-free teaching and contact points. The guide can be downloaded from the following link: Guide for Teachers: Studying with Impairment -- Learning without Barriers (LOB) (German).