Privacy Policy

Data protection when using address data from the residents' registration office

In general, registration offices have the opportunity to support the scientific research work of universities such as the University of Bremen by providing extracts from the population register (e.g. addresses of parents). This is made possible and regulated by

§34 Bundesmeldegesetz
Datenübermittlungen an andere öffentliche Stellen

The password-protected data transmitted by the City of Bremen includes: Name, date of birth and address of the children as well as the family name of the parents. This data is only used to write to the parents once and to inform them of the possibility of participating in our studies if they are interested. The data will be completely deleted on the day of the outgoing letter. We can only contact interested parents who have responded to our request and voluntarily made their data available to invite them and their child to participate in our studies. We therefore do not retain any data from children whose parents have not responded, nor do we pass on any data to third parties.

It may happen that a family, that has already received mail from us in the past because of an older sibling, is contacted again. Parents who are not interested may please forgive us for this. However, as we do not store the data for the aforementioned data protection reasons, we cannot carry out a comparison. However, when replying to us, interested parents can take the opportunity to register their youngest offspring with us as well.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact our research coordinator Melissa Cherouny.