
A student in the lecture hall.

That's us

The faculty 2 Biology/ Chemistry sees itself as a research center for both basic as well as applied research in the areas of Biology and Chemistry. Our study programs are research oriented and specialize in developing the key competences students require for future university and non-university career fields.


Studies, Research and more

Studierende sitzen vor dem Eingang der Bibliothek.

Study programs

Bachelor programs

International master's programs

International master's program in cooperation with the Faculty 5 Geosciences

International master's program in cooperation with the Faculties 1-5

A person working at a microscope.

Further services

Contents in German only.

A group of small children with colourful jackets and rucksacks.

Offerings for pupils and teachers

Contents in German only.


  • Biology Didactics: Teaching-Learning-Laboratory (BASCI)
  • Biology Didactics: Education for sustainable development (GraphIt)


  • Chemistry Didactics: Laboratory for pupils (Freiex)
  • Chemistry: Laboratory for pupils
  • Chemistry: Teacher trainings

We participate in ...


Studierende mit Kindern| Beschäftigte mit Kindern|

First researcher, then mother - and what happens afterwards?

Special offer on the occasion of the International Women's Day on 8th March 2019: Exchange of experiences at the university for mothers (and fathers), organized by the team members of Starbios

How to find us

road sign

How to find us

Faculty 2 of the University of Bremen is (for the most part) located in the building NW2, blocks A/B and C, in Leobener Straße.

Getting here

Campus map