
Here you will find all courses from previous and future semesters with the corresponding module assignment. Modules of a degree program as well as all module descriptions can be found under Curriculum within the respective degree program. The course descriptions can be found in the course brochures and further information (e.g. times and rooms) on the individual courses can be found in the course directory.

Date: February 2024

Mathematics for Elementary Teachers (incl. Inclusive Education/Special Needs Education)
Code NumberModule Title (in german)Course(s) (in german)
03-MAT-BA-EMDG1Mathematisches Denken und Lernen 1

Mathematisches Denken und Lehren 1 - Fachdidaktische Grundlagen

Vertiefungsseminar zu fachdidaktischen Grundlagen

03-MAT-BA-EM2Mathematisches Denken in Arithmetik und Geometrie 2Mathematisches Denken in Arithmetik und Geometrie 2
03-MAT-BA-EM3Stochastisches DenkenStochastisches Denken
Mathematics for Teaching at Secondary Schools (incl. Inclusive Education/Special Needs Education)
Code NumberModule Title (in german)Course(s) (in german)
03-MAT-BA-MGY1Lineare AlgebraLineare Algebra 2 (für Lehramt)
03-MAT-BA-MGY3Analysis 1/2Analysis 2 (für Lehramt)
03-MAT-BA-D1Grundzüge der MathematikdidaktikGrundzüge der Mathematikdidaktik
03-MAT-BA-IP-GO-MMathematikdidaktik inklusiv

Mathematikdidaktik inklusiv Teil I

Mathematikdidaktik inklusiv Teil II

Industrial Mathematics as well as Mathematics
Code NumberModule Title (in german)Course(s) (in german)
03-MAT-BA-ANAAnalysis 1-2

Analysis 2

Vertiefung zur Analysis 2

03-MAT-BA-LAGLineare Algebra 1-2

Lineare Algebra 2

Vertiefung zur Linearen Algebra 2

03-MAT-BA-NUM-2Numerik 2Numerik 2
03-MAT-BA-FTH-(A, B or C)Fortgeschrittene Themen (A, B or C)



03-MAT-BA-MKOM-(A or B)Mathematisches Kommunizieren (A or B)



Zelluläre Automaten und Selbstorganisation

Homologische Algebra

03-MAT-BA-MKOMIMathematisches Kommunizieren in der IndustriemathematikProseminar Industriemathematik
Mathematics for Teaching at Secondary Schools (incl. Inclusive Education/Special Needs Education)
Code NumberModule Title (in german)Course(s) (in german)
03-MAT-MA-D4Lernprozesse in Mathematik analysieren und gestalten

Lernprozesse in Mathematik analysieren und gestalten (Praktikumsbetreuung) - Angebot 1

Lernprozesse in Mathematik analysieren und gestalten (Praktikumsbetreuung) - Angebot 2

03-MAT-MA-D5Mathematisch denken und handeln

Mathematisch denken und handeln 1

Mathematisch denken und handeln 2

03-MAT-MA-MGY8bVertiefung Algebra/ZahlentheorieVertiefung Algebra/Zahlentheorie
Industrial Mathematics and Data Analysis
Code NumberModule TitleCourse(s)
03-MAT-MA-MPModeling ProjectModeling Project (Part 1)
03-MAT-MA-STDA-(A, B or C)Special Topics Data Analysis (A, B or C)

Semiparametric Models


Linear and Generalized Linear Regression (Statistics II)

Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning

Selected Topics in Convex Optimization

Selected topics on Optimization for Machine Learning

Analytic and Discrete Convex Geometry

Differential Geometry

03-MAT-MA-STIM-(A, B or C)Special Topics Industrial Mathematics (A, B or C)


Digital Optimal Control and Optimal Feedback Control

Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning

Selected Topics in Convex Optimization

Selected topics on Optimization for Machine Learning

Differential Geometry

Scientific Programming and Advanced Numerical Methods

Spectral Theory

03-MAT-MA-AC-DAAdvanced Communications Data Analysis

Advanced Communication Analysis

Deep learning for Inverse Problems

Advanced Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations

03-MAT-MA-AC-IMAdvanced Communications Industrial Mathematics

Advanced Communication Analysis

Deep learning for Inverse Problems

Advanced Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations

Code NumberModule TitleCourse(s)
03-MAT-MA-SP-(A, B or C)-ALGSpecialization (A, B or C) (Algebra)Analytic and Discrete Convex Geometry
03-MAT-MA-SP-(A, B or C)-ANASpecialization (A, B or C) (Analysis)

Differential Geometry

Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning

Spectral Theory

03-MAT-MA-SP-(A, B or C)-NUMSpecialization (A, B or C) (Numerical Analysis)

Digital Optimal Control and Optimal Feedback Control


Selected Topics in Convex Optimization

Selected Topics on Optimization for Machine Learning

Scientific Programming and Advanced Numerical Methods

03-MAT-MA-SP-(A, B or C)-STSSpecialization (A, B or C) (Statistics/Stochastics)

Linear and Generalized Linear Regression (Statistics II)

Semiparametric Models

03-MAT-MA-AC-A-ALGAdvanced Communications A (Algebra)Homological Algebra
03-MAT-MA-AC-A-ANAAdvanced Communications A (Analysis)Advanced Communication Analysis
03-MAT-MA-AC-A-NUMAdvanced Communications A (Numerical Analysis)

Deep learning for Inverse Problems

Advanced Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations

03-MAT-MA-AC-A-STSAdvanced Communications A (Statistics/Stochastics)-
03-MAT-MA-AC-B-ALGAdvanced Communications B (Algebra)

Advanced Communication Analysis

Deep learning for Inverse Problems

Advanced Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations

03-MAT-MA-AC-B-ANAAdvanced Communications B (Analysis)

Homological Algebra

Deep learning for Inverse Problems

Advanced Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations

03-MAT-MA-AC-B-NUMAdvanced Communications B (Numerical Analysis)

Homological Algebra

Advanced Communication Analysis

03-MAT-MA-AC-B-STSAdvanced Communications B (Statistics/Stochastics)

Advanced Communication Analysis

Homological Algebra

Deep learning for Inverse Problems

Advanced Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations

03-MAT-MA-D-(A, B or C)-ALGDiversification (A, B or C) (Algebra)

Differential Geometry

Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning

Spectral Theory

Digital Optimal Control and Optimal Feedback Control


Selected Topics in Convex Optimization

Selected Topics on Optimization for Machine Learning

Scientific Programming and Advanced Numerical Methods

Linear and Generalized Linear Regression (Statistics II)

Semiparametric Models

03-MAT-MA-D-(A, B or C)-ANADiversification (A, B or C) (Analysis)

Analytic and Discrete Convex Geometry

Digital Optimal Control and Optimal Feedback Control


Selected Topics in Convex Optimization

Selected Topics on Optimization for Machine Learning

Scientific Programming and Advanced Numerical Methods

Linear and Generalized Linear Regression (Statistics II)

Semiparametric Models

03-MAT-MA-D-(A, B or C)-NUMDiversification (A, B or C) (Numerical Analysis)

Analytic and Discrete Convex Geometry

Differential Geometry

Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning

Spectral Theory

Linear and Generalized Linear Regression (Statistics II)

Semiparametric Models

03-MAT-MA-D-(A, B or C)-STSDiversification (A, B or C) (Statistics/Stochastics)

Analytic and Discrete Convex Geometry

Differential Geometry

Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning

Spectral Theory

Digital Optimal Control and Optimal Feedback Control


Selected Topics in Convex Optimization

Selected Topics on Optimization for Machine Learning

Scientific Programming and Advanced Numerical Methods

03-MAT-MA-RC-A-ALGReading Course A (Algebra)Reading Course Algebra
03-MAT-MA-RC-A-ANAReading Course A (Analysis)Reading Course Analysis
03-MAT-MA-RC-A-NUMReading Course A (Numerical Analysis)Reading Course Numerical Analysis
03-MAT-MA-RC-A-STSReading Course A (Statistics/Stochastics)Reading Course Statistics/Stochastics
03-MAT-MA-RC-B-(ALG, ANA, NUM or STS)Reading Course B (Algebra, Analysis, Numerical Analysis or Statistics/Stochastics)

Reading Course Algebra

Reading Course Analysis

Reading Course Numerical Analysis

Reading Course Statistics/Stochastics

Medical Biometry/Biostatistics
Code NumberModule TitleCourse(s)
03-MAT-MA-BioStat-A-5Biometrical Methods – Special AspectsBiometric Research in Medicine

Date: December 2023

Mathematics for Elementary Teachers (incl. Inclusive Education/Special Needs Education)
Code NumberModule Title (in german)Course(s) (in german)
03-MAT-BA-EM1Mathematisches Denken in Artihmetik und Geometrie 1Mathematisches Denken in Artihmetik und Geometrie 1
03-MAT-BA-EMDG1Mathematisches Denken und Lernen 1Mathematisches Denken in Artihmetik und Geometrie 1
03-MAT-BA-ELElementarmathematik und LernenElementarmathematik und Lernen
03-MAT-BA-EM4Mathematisches ModellierenMathematisches Modellieren
Mathematics for Teaching at Secondary Schools (incl. Inclusive Education/Special Needs Education)
Code NumberModule Title (in german)Course(s) (in german)
03-MAT-BA-MGY1Lineare Algebra

Lineare Algebra 1

Vertiefung zur Linearen Algebra 1 (für Lehramt)

03-MAT-BA-MGY3Analysis 1/2

Analysis 1

Vertiefung zur Analysis 1 (für Lehramt)

03-MAT-BA-MGY5Angewandte MathematikAngewandte Mathematik
03-MAT-BA-D1Grundzüge der MathematikdidaktikGrundzüge der Mathematikdidaktik - Teil 1
03-MAT-BA-D2Diagnostizieren und Fördern mit PraxisanteilenDiagnostizieren und Fördern mit Praxisanteilen
Industrial Mathematics as well as Mathematics
Code NumberModule Title (in german)Course(s) (in german)
03-MAT-BA-ANAAnalysis 1-2

Analysis 1

Vertiefung zur Analysis 1 (Vollfach)

03-MAT-BA-LAGLineare Algebra 1-2

Lineare Algebra 1

Vertiefung zur Linearen Algebra 1 (Vollfach)

03-MAT-BA-MCPMathematisches ComputerpraktikumMathematisches Computerpraktikum
03-INF-BA-IBGP-PI1Praktische Informatik 1Praktische Informatik 1
03-MAT-BA-ANA3Analysis 3Analysis 3
03-MAT-BA-NUM1Numerik 1Numerik 1
03-MAT-BA-MMODMathematische ModellierungMathematische Modellierung
03-MAT-BA-FTH-(A, B or C)Fortgeschrittene Themen (A, B or C)

Einführung in die Kryptographie

Konvexe Geometrie

Algorithmische Diskrete Mathematik


Basics of Mathematical Statistics (Statistics I)

Algebraische Topologie

03-MAT-BA-FTIMFortgeschrittene Themen Industriemathematik

Konvexe Geometrie

Algorithmische Diskrete Mathematik


Basics of Mathematical Statistics (Statistics I)

Algebraische Topologie

03-MAT-BA-MKOM-(A or B)Mathematisches Kommunizieren (A or B)


Lineare Algebra

Topologische Dynamische Systeme


Approximation Methods in Probability and Statistics

Convex Analysis

Mathematics for Elementary Teachers (incl. Inclusive Education/Special Needs Education)
Code NumberModule Title (in german)Course(s) (in german)
03-MAT-MA-EMDG3Mathematische Lernumgebungen

Lernumgebungen - Analyse aus fachlicher und didaktischer Perspektive - Gruppe 1

Lernumgebungen - Analyse aus fachlicher und didaktischer Perspektive - Gruppe 2

Lernumgebungen - Analyse aus fachlicher und didaktischer Perspektive - Gruppe 3

Lernumgebungen - Analyse aus fachlicher und didaktischer Perspektive - Gruppe 4

03-MAT-MA-EM5Ausgewählte Kapitel der MathematikAusgewählte Kapitel der Elementarmathematik
Mathematics for Teaching at Secondary Schools (incl. Inclusive Education/Special Needs Education)
Code NumberModule Title (in german)Course(s) (in german)
03-MAT-MA-D3Stoffdidaktisch denken lernenStoffdidaktisch denken lernen
03-MAT-MA-D5Mathematisch denken und handelnMathematisch denken und handeln
03-MAT-MA-D6Modul MasterarbeitModul Masterarbeit (Forschungsdesigns)
03-MAT-MA-MGY8bVertiefung Algebra/ZahlentheorieVertiefung Algebra/Zahlentheorie
Industrial Mathematics and Data Analysis
Code NumberModule TitleCourse(s)
03-MAT-MA-MDAIPMathematical Methods for Data Analysis and Image ProcessingMathematical Foundations of Data Analysis
03-MAT-MA-NPDENumerical Methods for Partial Differential EquationsNumerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations
03-MAT-MA-MPModeling ProjectModeling Project (Part 2)
03-MAT-MA-STDA-(A, B or C)Special Topics Data Analysis (A, B or C)

Advanced Methods in Applied Statistics (Statistics III)

Algebraic Topology

Basics of Mathematical Statistics (Statistics I)

Finite Elements for Contact Problems

Introduction to Robust Control

Inverse Problems in Imaging

03-MAT-MA-STIM-(A, B or C)Special Topics Industrial Mathematics (A, B or C)

Basics of Mathematical Statistics (Statistics I)

Finite Elements for Contact Problems

Introduction to Nonlinear Optimization, Optimal Control and Optimal Feedback Control

Introduction to Robust Control

Inverse Problems in Imaging

03-MAT-MA-AC-DAAdvanced Communications Data Analysis

Approximation Methods in Probability and Statistics

Convex Analysis

Mathematical Methods in Machine Learning


03-MAT-MA-AC-IMAdvanced Communications Industrial Mathematics

Convex Analysis

Numerical Methods and Neural Networks for Partial Differential Equations

Mathematical Methods in Machine Learning


03-MAT-MA-SP-(A, B or C)-ALGSpecialization (A, B or C) (Algebra)

Algorithms and Uncertainty

Algebraic Topology

03-MAT-MA-SP-(A, B or C)-ANASpecialization (A, B or C) (Analysis)

Inverse Problems in Imaging

Finite Elements for Contact Problems

03-MAT-MA-SP-(A, B or C)-NUMSpecialization (A, B or C) (Numerical Analysis)

Algorithms and Uncertainty

Mathematical Methods for Data Analysis and Image Processing

Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations

Inverse Problems in Imaging

Finite Elements for Contact Problems

Introduction to Robust Control

Introduction to Nonlinear Optimization, Optimal Control and Optimal Feedback Control

Trajectory Optimization

03-MAT-MA-SP-(A, B or C)-STSSpecialization (A, B or C) (Statistics/Stochastics)

Basics of Mathematical Statistics (Statistics I)

Advanced Methods in Applied Statistics (Statistics III)

03-MAT-MA-AC-A-ALGAdvanced Communications A (Algebra)Algebra
03-MAT-MA-AC-A-ANAAdvanced Communications A (Analysis)

Mathematical Methods in Machine Learning

Harmonic Analysis Techniques for Elliptic Operators

Ergodic Theory

03-MAT-MA-AC-A-NUMAdvanced Communications A (Numerical Analysis)

Convex Analysis

Numerical Methods and Neural Networks for Partial Differential Equations

Mathematical Methods in Machine Learning


03-MAT-MA-AC-A-STSAdvanced Communications A (Statistics/Stochastics)Approximation Methods in Probability and Statistics
03-MAT-MA-AC-B-ALGAdvanced Communications B (Algebra)

Approximation Methods in Probability and Statistics

Convex Analysis

Numerical Methods and Neural Networks for Partial Differential Equations

Mathematical Methods in Machine Learning


Harmonic Analysis Techniques for Elliptic Operators

Ergodic Theory

03-MAT-MA-AC-B-ANAAdvanced Communications B (Analysis)


Approximation Methods in Probability and Statistics

Convex Analysis

Numerical Methods and Neural Networks for Partial Differential Equations

Mathematical Methods in Machine Learning


03-MAT-MA-AC-B-NUMAdvanced Communications B (Numerical Analysis)


Approximation Methods in Probability and Statistics

Mathematical Methods in Machine Learning

Harmonic Analysis Techniques for Elliptic Operators

Ergodic Theory

03-MAT-MA-AC-B-STSAdvanced Communications B (Statistics/Stochastics)


Convex Analysis

Numerical Methods and Neural Networks for Partial Differential Equations

Mathematical Methods in Machine Learning


Harmonic Analysis Techniques for Elliptic Operators

Ergodic Theory

03-MAT-MA-D-(A, B or C)-ALGDiversification (A, B or C) (Algebra)

Algorithms and Uncertainty

Mathematical Methods for Data Analysis and Image Processing

Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations

Inverse Problems in Imaging

Finite Elements for Contact Problems

Introduction to Robust Control

Introduction to Nonlinear Optimization, Optimal Control and Optimal Feedback Control

Trajectory Optimization

Basics of Mathematical Statistics (Statistics I)

Advanced Methods in Applied Statistics (Statistics III)

03-MAT-MA-D-(A, B or C)-ANADiversification (A, B or C) (Analysis)

Algorithms and Uncertainty

Algebraic Topology

Mathematical Methods for Data Analysis and Image Processing

Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations

Inverse Problems in Imaging

Finite Elements for Contact Problems

Introduction to Robust Control

Introduction to Nonlinear Optimization, Optimal Control and Optimal Feedback Control

Trajectory Optimization

Basics of Mathematical Statistics (Statistics I)

Advanced Methods in Applied Statistics (Statistics III)

03-MAT-MA-D-(A, B or C)-NUMDiversification (A, B or C) (Numerical Analysis)

Algorithms and Uncertainty

Algebraic Topology

Inverse Problems in Imaging

Finite Elements for Contact Problems

Basics of Mathematical Statistics (Statistics I)

Advanced Methods in Applied Statistics (Statistics III)

03-MAT-MA-D-(A, B or C)-STSDiversification (A, B or C) (Statistics/Stochastics)

Algorithms and Uncertainty

Algebraic Topology

Inverse Problems in Imaging

Finite Elements for Contact Problems

Mathematical Methods for Data Analysis and Image Processing

Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations

Introduction to Robust Control

Introduction to Nonlinear Optimization, Optimal Control and Optimal Feedback Control

Trajectory Optimization

03-MAT-MA-RC-A-ALGReading Course A (Algebra)Reading Course Algebra
03-MAT-MA-RC-A-ANAReading Course A (Analysis)Reading Course Analysis
03-MAT-MA-RC-A-NUMReading Course A (Numerical Analysis)Reading Course Numerical Analysis
03-MAT-MA-RC-A-STSReading Course A (Statistics/Stochastics)Reading Course Statistics/Stochastics
03-MAT-MA-RC-B-(ALG, ANA, NUM or STS)Reading Course B (Algebra, Analysis, Numerical Analysis or Statistics/Stochastics)

Reading Course Algebra

Reading Course Analysis

Reading Course Numerical Analysis

Reading Course Statistics/Stochastics

Medical Biometry/Biostatistics
03-MAT-MA-BioStat-B-2Fundamentals of MedicineSpecial Areas of Medicine (Medicine III)
03-MAT-MA-BioStat-A-4Basic EpidemiologyEpidemiology - Journal Club
03-MAT-MA-BioStat-A-5Biometrical Methods – Special Aspects

Survival Analysis

Multiple Testing Problems

Non-Parametric Methods


Biometric Research in Medicine

03-MAT-MA-BioStat-A-6Complex Statistical ModelingComplex Statistical Modelling