Industrial mathematics and numerics

The field Industrial Mathematics is located at the interface between applied mathematics and scientific computing; in Bremen this is represented by the "ZeTeM - Center for Industrial Mathematics".

Motivated by concrete scientific and technical questions, our research spectrum ranges from basic theoretical and mathematical research and numerical analysis to concrete implementations and software projects.


The mathematical focal points are

   * Inverse Problems*(data analysis and machine learning, sparsity, non-convex regularization),

   *Optimization*(optimal control and regularization, continuous and discrete methods, software WORHP) and

   *Partial Differential Equations*(multi-scale models, adaptive finite element methods, computational engineering).


The common element of these is parameter identification in high-dimensional and nonlinear models, and the DFG Research Training Group "π^3 Parameter Identification - Analysis, Algorithms, Applications" is grouped around these research areas.

The transfer of our research results to industry and science is an integral part of the research activities at ZeTeM. In close cooperation with companies as well as technical and scientific research institutes, new mathematical results are implemented via methods and algorithms so that these can be used for concrete applications.


Technomathematik Numerik Illustration

Involved Working Groups

Prof. Dr. Büskens

Optimization & Optimal Control


Portrait Dirk Lorenz

Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. P. Maaß



Prof. Dr. Rademacher

Modeling and Scientific Computing


Prof. Dr. Schmand

Discrete optimization


Prof. Dr. Schmidt

Numerics PDE