
BahnCard discount for international rail travel

From December 2023, the International Union of Railways (UIC) will withdraw its RAILPLUS service from the market...

Unfortunately, the International Union of Railways (UIC) is withdrawing its RAILPLUS offer from the market from December 2023.
This means that BahnCard holders will not receive a BahnCard discount on foreign railroads and on foreign routes.

In order to receive the BahnCard discount on domestic rail journeys abroad (e.g. from Bremen to Vienna), this leg of the journey (to the border) must be booked online with our business travel agency via DB (not "Bahn" - "Int.").
This would result in the booking of several tickets (e.g. Bremen - border / border - Vienna).

As we are aware of the problems associated with such bookings (e.g. what happens to the separate international ticket in the event of delays or train cancellations), we will not deduct any missing BahnCard discount on the domestic route for such tickets.
This means that you still have the option of booking through tickets (e.g. Bremen - Vienna).

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail.

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