

  • Yoga Situation vor Spiegel

    Want to exercise?

    Many courses offer the opportunity to get a taste of new or unknown sports and forms of exercise.

  • Beachvolleyballfeld, Volleyballspieler

    Hochschulsport is for everyone

    Students and external participants take part in our sports courses together.

  • Studenten in der Orientierung

    From acrobatics to Zumba

    With about 500 courses offered there is something for everyone.

  • Yoga Situation vor Spiegel

    Want to exercise?

    Many courses offer the opportunity to get a taste of new or unknown sports and forms of exercise.

  • Beachvolleyballfeld, Volleyballspieler

    Hochschulsport is for everyone

    Students and external participants take part in our sports courses together.

Sport Courses

Please have a look  under the menu item "Current Courses" to find out Dates, Facilities and Registration.

Office Contact

Information and Courses

Phone: 0421 218-61651

E-Mail: hospoprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Fitness UniFit

Mo. - Fr.  17.00 - 22.00 Uhr

Sa. 10.00 - 14.00 Uhr

So. 10.00 - 14.00 Uhr

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  • Go to page: Logo adh Spitzensport