
Be part of YUFE Student Journey!

Applications for the YUFE Student Journey are possible until 24th May 2024! More information here and at

Study Internationally with the YUFE Student Journey


The YUFE Student Journey is YUFE's offer for students. It gives you the opportunity to attend classes at nine different European universities – both on-site and digitally. The offers are free of charge.

A language course in Madrid, volunteer work in Antwerp, and a semester abroad in Cyprus? All this is possible with the YUFE Student Journey! Ten European universities have come together in the YUFE project (Young Universities for the Future of Europe) to build a European university. For you, this means that over the course of four semesters, you can take language courses and seminars at the participating universities and do volunteer work – both on-site and virtually. All activities are free of charge, you can expand your international profile, and get to know students from all over Europe.  Sound interesting? Here's how it works:


How Does the YUFE Student Journey Work Exactly?

The YUFE Student Journey gives you the opportunity to take advantage of various offers from the YUFE partner universities over the course of four semesters. You alone decide how many and which options you choose! Possible activities include language courses, academic classes from different faculties, or even a semester abroad. You can view the courses offered by the various universities on the YUFE Virtual Campus.

You will receive a certificate of attendance for each course. If you take a certain number of courses, you can also get a YUFE Certificate, which proves your successful participation in the Student Journey Program.

In addition to the University of Bremen, the following universities are part of YUFE: Maastricht University (Netherlands), Nicolaus Copernicus University Toruń (Poland), University Carlos III de Madrid (Spain), University of Antwerp (Belgium), University of Cyprus, University of Eastern Finland, University of Essex (UK), the University of Rijeka (Croatia), and Sorbonne Nouvelle University (France).


Can I Spend a Semester Abroad with YUFE?

Yes! You can spend a semester at another university and receive financial support from the Erasmus program. The prerequisite is that you take and pass classes with a minimum of 30 ECTS credit points. You can combine courses offered by the YUFE Virtual Campus with regular courses offered by the respective universities.


Will the YUFE Classes Count Towards My Degree Program?

This varies from case to case. If you are interested in academic seminars, it is best to discuss whether they can be credited with your academic advisor. If you can choose any General Studies courses as part pf your degree program, this would be a great opportunity to receive credit for language courses or volunteer work, for example.


What Are the Requirements for Participation in the YUFE Student Journey? How Can I Apply?

To participate in the Student Journey, you must be enrolled at one of the YUFE universities and be at least in the second semester of your bachelor's degree. It is possible to apply for the Student Journey twice a year – the current application period is open until May 24, 2024.

You must write a letter of motivation in English for the application. Additionally, you need to prove that your English skills are at least at level B2, which is possible within the application procedure by taking an online test.


What Happens After I Have Submitted My Application?

Approximately one month after the application deadline, you will receive feedback. If your application is successful, you will take part in the induction courses – a digital offer in which your options within the Student Journey will be explained to you in more detail. You will then be given access to the YUFE Virtual Campus, where you can create your individual program.


I Still Have Questions...

Then come to our virtual info sessions at Bremen University:

11.04.2024 from 15-16:45 (Zoom)
07.05.2024 from 15:30 - 16:15 SFG Building, Room 0340
21.5.2024 from 11:00 -11:45 ( Zoom:
Meeting-ID: 627 2532 4916, Kenncode: 238957) or just visit

YUFE Open Days (at all 10 YUFE Universities, in English)

16.4.2024, 11-13  Registration to ZOOM meeting

13.5.2024, 11-13  Registration to ZOOM Meeting


You can also reach Svenja Renner from the YUFE team at the University of Bremen at svenja.rennerprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de or +49 0421-218-60389.


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