
BioYUFE brings together European research and teaching in the life sciences

From Croatia to England, from courses to webinars: YUFE makes life sciences European. Werner Ulrich, Professor of Ecology and Biogeography at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, has been dedicated to this cause for three years.

Since BioYUFE was founded by Werner Ulrich, meetings have taken place in various cities and numerous digital meetings have been held, with topics ranging from molecular biology to biodiversity being discussed. Since the winter semester of 2023/24, BioYUFE has been offering 13 hybrid courses that enable students to attend events at other universities. There are also student conferences and scientific webinars.

BioYUFE is characterized by close cooperation between researchers and administrative staff and uses a digital platform for hybrid teaching. Work is currently underway on further developing the range of courses and even on a joint master's program. The Bremen team emphasizes the uncomplicated entry and invites interested researchers to exchange ideas!

The entire article from up2date (online magazine of Uni Bremen) can be found here.


Marko Rohlfs und Lorena Kalvelage hocken auf einer Wiese und schauen sich die Pflanzen am Boden an. Im Vordergrund steht ein Schild, das über das Biodiversitätsprojekt auf dem Campus informiert.