
Bremen Insolveny Law Day 2023

On 1 September 2023, the Bremen Insolvency Law Day took place.

Following two training events in the years 2012 and 2013 on the fundamental changes to the Insolvency Code brought about by the ESUG (Act on the Further Facilitation of theInsolvency Procedure), which focussed primarily on the judiciary, the Faculty of Law in cooperation with GÖRG Lawyers organised the Bremen Insolvency Law Day for the fourth time on 1 Septemer 2023. The conference was once again mostly aimed at practitioners and provided a comprehensive presentation and discussion of topics of practical relevance at a high scientific level. The welcoming address by Prof. Dr. Gralf-Peter Calliess for the faculty and Prof. Dr. Gerrit Hölzle as host was followed by a specialist programme including Prof. Dr. Christoph Thole (University of Cologne), Prof. Dr. Georg Bitter (University of Mannheim), Prof. Dr. Ulrich Haas (University of Zurich) and Dr. Andreas Schmidt (Hamburg local court). Once again, the participants highly praised the format of event, which is an incentive for the 5ht Bremen Insolvency Law Day on 30 August 2024.

Audience at the Bremen Insolvenzrechtstag
Görg Kanzlei. Photo: Karsten Klama
Audience Bremen Insolvenzrechtstag
Görg Kanzlei. Photo: Karsten Klama
Audience Bremer Insolvenzrechtstag
Görg Kanzlei. Photo: Karsten Klama
Lecture Bremen Insolvenzrechtstag
Görg Kanzlei. Photo: Karsten Klama