
Data Train 2024 Kick-off Event

On January 17, this year’s kick-off event for Data Train – the cross-disciplinary training programm for doctoral researchers of the U Bremen Research Alliance – took place at the Fraunhofer IFAM. Together with Tanja Hörner, DSC coordinator Lena Steinmann also presented DataNord on this occasion.

With this year’s kick-off event, which took place on January 17 at Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Advanced Materials (IFAM), the program “Data Train – Training in Research Data Management and Data Science” has entered its next round. Data Train is a centralised, cross-discipline training program which is offered to doctoral researchers from the member in-institutions of the U Bremen Research Alliance (UBRA). Since November 2023, Data Train will continue to be further developed as part of the BMBF-funded data competence center Data Nord.

Data Train teaches competencies in the fields of data science, research-data management (RDM), and data literacy and is organized in close collaboration with the Data Science Center. This year’s program started off with an interdisciplinary overview Starter Track in English. These interactive overview lectures takes place from January to May 2024 and is open to anyone who is interested and wants to get started in RDM and data science.

The kick-off event served to introduce Data Train and provided information about the program, its concept, and the contents of this year’s curriculum. The event was opened by a welcome from Prof. Dr. Iris Pigeot (director BIPS). Together with Prof. Dr. Rolf Drechsler (DSC spokesperson, DFKI) and Prof. Dr. Frank Oliver Glöckner (University of Bremen, AWI), Iris Pigeot is one of the program’s spokespersons. Also part of the agenda, was a presentation by Data Nord coordinators Dr. Lena Steinmann (DSC coordinator) and Dr. Tanja Hörner (UBRA) who introduced the newly founded interdisciplinary data competence centre Data Nord . Data Train coordinator Dr. Maya Dalby then provided more information on the training program itself, including its contents, structure, and schedule. The event was rounded off by the data story “Beautiful Insights – The art and science of data visualisation” presented by Moritz Stefaner. At the end, participants were able to ask questions, discuss, and get to know people associated with the Data Train program during a follow-up get-together. More information on the Data Train kick-off event can be found here.

Are you interested in the Data Train program? Further information about Data Train (concept, schedule, registration, etc.) can be found on the UBRA Website . If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Data Nord coordinators Dr. Lena Steinmann and Dr. Tanja Hörner or Data Train coordinator Dr. Maya Dalby.


Please contact us if you have any questions:

Dr. Lena Steinmann
DSC Coordinator
Tel. +49 (421) 218 - 63941
E-Mail: lena.steinmannprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Related Links:

UBRA Article Data Train Kick-off 2024

Data Train - UBRA Website

More on Data Nord