
Restricted IT operations 19.7.-21.7. and 2.8.-5.8.

Due to necessary work on the power supply of the university's IT housing center, part of the university IT will not be available on two weekends. The central IT services (e-mail, Stud.IP, Nextcloud) are largely unaffected.

From Friday, 19.7.2024, 8 a.m. to Monday, 21.7.2024, 8 a.m. and from Friday, 2.8.2024, 8 a.m. to Monday, 5.8.2024, 8 a.m., the power supply for one of the two data centers in the university's Green IT Housing Center will be switched off. As a result, many IT services, especially those of departments and institutes, will not be available on these weekends.

Most of the central IT services are not affected. These can continue to be operated due to existing redundancy:

  •     Stud.IP and associated services
  •     ZfN mail server for,
  •     Exchange server for
  •     Central web server of the ZfN (, web guest server for institutes)
  •     Nextcloud
  •     SAP and all other procedures provided by Referat 50

Detailed information on the outages can be obtained from the IT colleagues in your department or institute.