
Exciting research presentations!

As part of Thomas Baron's English-language master's seminar "Current Issues in Entrepreneurship Research", the course participants gave exciting insights into their informative research work at the University of Bremen in their final presentations yesterday.

In their project "Migrant Entrepreneurship in Entrepreneurial Ecosystems - Obstacles & Coping Mechanisms", Violetta Tsesarska and Vinh Nghi Ha used the example of the Bremen start-up ecosystem to identify obstacles that first-generation founders with a migrant background face when entering entrepreneurial ecosystems and describe coping mechanisms for overcoming these obstacles - both at the individual level of the founders and support mechanisms at the ecosystem level.

In their research project "The overlooked Nature of Rural Entrepreneurship", Robin Wieringa, Pia Krahn and Lennart Korn focused on the topic of business start-ups in rural areas and conceptualized a heterogeneous characterization of the phenomenon. The students identified two types of rural entrepreneurship: those that take advantage of the rural context through their rural roots for entrepreneurial activity, and those that overcome the weaknesses of the rural context through network connections in urban regions, thus combining the advantages of both worlds.

For their research work, the students conducted and analyzed numerous interviews with entrepreneurs, experts and key players in the entrepreneurship scenes in Bremen and in rural areas of the North-West region and around Groningen as part of the seminar. We congratulate them on their extremely successful work!


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