
Great success for the IPP: Innovationcommunity Urban Health selected for funding within DATIpilot of the BMBF

Stefanie Dreger and Gabriele Bolte conduct transdisciplinary research on implementation gaps in the context of environmental justice

In the project „Innovation Community Urban Health ICUH”, Prof. Dr. Gabriele Bolte and Dr. Stefanie Dreger of the Department of Social Epidemiology of the Institute of Public Health and Nursing Research work together with various partners from science and practice.

In collaboration with other institutions, the researchers at the University of Bremen want to research how socio-ecological transformation can take place in the old urban industrial areas of the Ruhr and Bremen/Bremerhaven.


The key concept here is environmental justice: Cities and districts are affected to varying degrees by environmental contaminants such as air pollution. At the same time, environmental resources, such as urban parks, are not accessible to everyone. The project team wants to reduce these social inequalities and involve as many people and institutions as possible in environmentally relevant decision-making processes. The central theme of ICUH is overcoming the implementation gap, i.e. the question of why scientific findings and accepted guiding principles such as sustainability or health-promoting urban development often is not implemented in practice.


The Innovation Community Urban Health is coordinated by the Hochschule für Gesundheit Bochum. Other partners include the State Center for Health NRW, the State Association for Health and Academy for Social Medicine Lower Saxony Bremen e.V., the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy, and the Technical University of Dortmund.


Additionally, through the work in the ICUH, the “Health-promoting and sustainable urban development” area of focus at the IPP will be further expanded.


The “DATIpilot” funding line of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research aims to strengthen transfer activities at universities and promotes social and technical innovations. Out of 483 applications, 20 were successful throughout Germany and will be funded as Innovation Community.





Prof. Dr. Gabriele Bolte

Institute of Public Health and Nursing Research

Department of Social Epidemiology

& WHO Collaborating Centre for Environmental Health Inequalities


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Fotos von Stefanie Dreger und Gabriele Bolte