
Humans on Mars - Bremen Children's University enters the next round

In March, geophysicist Dr. Christiane Heinicke moved from the habitat at ZARM to the lecture hall to talk about Mars and the possibilities of living there instead of conducting research.

This year, Christiane Heinicke met a very curious audience: on Wednesday, March 13, she was a lecturer at the Bremen Children's University. From 9:30 to 10:30 a.m., she beaddressed questions such as "Is human exploration of Mars possible?", "What are the challenges on site and what do they do to us humans?" and "Can we learn from Mars for Earth?". Students from third to sixth grade learned first-hand about the enthusiasm with which space research is conducted at the University of Bremen - and what this means for us on Earth. 

If you were unable to attend, you can find the video of Prof. Marc Avila's last lecture for children here: Lecture on Mars as part of the Bremen Children's University 2023

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