
Survey report on mobility behavior at Bremen University now online

The mobility survey conducted by the University of Bremen's environmental management team in the summer allowed interesting insights into the daily mobility behavior of employees and students. The results of the survey are now also available as an online report.

A total of 1,881 respondents took part in the online survey, which was conducted at the University of Bremen and the Technologiepark Uni Bremen e.V. in June and July 2023. This representative sample showed that employees and students together travel almost 30,000 kilometers per working day. The survey also focused on the variety of means of transportation used and the individual circumstances that significantly influence decisions when traveling to work or university.

A significant trend emerges in the distribution of means of transport: 50.9% of university and technology park employees use the bicycle as their preferred means of transport, followed by 18.9% who choose the car. This was followed by a high preference for local public transport, which was used by 17.8% of respondents. A further 7.6% stated that they use alternative means of transport, while 4.7% walk.

What was also surprising was the willingness of a considerable proportion of participants to switch from their own car to public transport, provided it is attractive and inexpensive. These results illustrate the awareness and willingness to support more environmentally friendly forms of mobility.

In this context, the University of Bremen announces the presentation of a comprehensive mobility concept that is specifically focused on the needs of university members. This concept will be published at the end of February and aims not only to meet individual needs, but also to make a contribution to reducing CO2 emissions through mobility. Another focus is the creation of new covered bicycle parking spaces and the associated opening of the new bicycle workshop, which will be run by students. This project not only promotes sustainable mobility, but also offers a practical opportunity for students to actively participate in shaping their university environment.

Dr. Elke Goltz, lecturer in empirical social research and statistics, provided scientific consulting and conducted the mobility study.

The report with the results of the online survey can be downloaded as a PDF here.