
Jutta Günther presented results from the Mod-Block-DDR research network at the 13th meeting of the German-Korean Consultative Body in Busan, South Korea.

Her speech focused on the innovation and research policy strategies of the reconstruction of East Germany and the economic prospects of the East German states in Germany and Europe. Her conclusion to the Korean delegates in the final discussion was to continue investing in the acquisition of research data, in empirical analyses and, above all, in the education of the next generation of scientists.

The German-Korean Consultative Committee regularly discusses the German reunification and the possible lessons for the Korean peninsula. The committee comprises people from the Korean and German sides from politics, academia and civil society organizations. Once again this year, the German and Korean delegates discussed economic, educational and research policy issues as well as the comparability and transferability of Germany's experiences to Korea.

The German-Korean Consultation Committee is based in Berlin at the Chancellery, under the Federal Government Commissioner for East Germany, Carsten Schneider. In South Korea, responsibility lies with the Ministry of Unification Affairs.

Jutta Günther vor dem Banner der Veranstaltung