
Leibniz doctorate prize for Nicole Mensching

The research associate at the Leibniz Institute for Materials-Oriented Technologies in Bremen has been awarded this year's Leibniz Association PhD Prize in the natural and technical sciences category.

Dr. Nicole Mensching received the 5000 euro prize in Berlin on November 21. In her dissertation entitled "Characterization of metallic materials by particle-oriented blasting", Mensching investigated a new process that is similar to shot blasting.

Prof. Carsten Heinzel, MAPEX member and supervisor of the dissertation, points out that Mensching has entered into new territory with her work. She has succeeded in developing a new experimental environment from preliminary conceptual considerations using scientific methods in an interdisciplinary team and using this to gain knowledge in the field of rapid material characterization.

The Leibniz Association Doctoral Prize is awarded annually for the best doctoral theses from Leibniz Institutes – around 900 in 2022 – in the categories "Humanities and Social Sciences" and "Natural and Technical Sciences". In addition to an outstanding evaluation, the award-winning theses must be characterized by interdisciplinary significance, application relevance and publication in academic journals or presentations at academic conferences.

Publication: Mensching, Nicole: Charakterisierung metallischer Werkstoffe durch partikel-orientiertes Strahlen. Shaker Verlag 2022.


[Translate to English:]
Nicole Mensching is receiving the doctorate prize.