
“Living Archives” Past and Present of Intersectional-Feminist Movements in Theory and Praxis

The conference “Living Archives - Past and Present of Intersectional-Feminist Movements in Theory and Praxis” will take place on June 27/28 at the Haus der Wissenschaft in Bremen.

On June 27-28, 2024, the conference "Living Archives - Past&Present of Intersectional Feminist Theory&Practice" will take place at the Haus der Wissenschaft (Sandstraße 4-5, Bremen) with a keynote by Encarnación Gutiérrez Rodriguez. The keynote entitled "Grief work/Trauerarbeit as political work" is expected to be simultaneously translated into English spoken language. Other than that, the conference will be held in German spoken language.

Further information on the concept and program will be published regularly at

Registration is not required. Childcare will be provided. If required, please register yourself or your child/children by May 31, 2024 at the latest by sending an email to makulikprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de.

Online participation is possible. The link will be published in advance on the above-mentioned homepage.

The conference is organized by the Section Politics and Gender in the DVPW in cooperation with the Bremen DFG Research Training Group "Contradiction Studies".

[Translate to English:] Veranstaltungsplakat