
"Dancing with Electrons" – on the Dancefloor with Zink-Ion Batteries

On May 7, 2024, the Bremen Science Slam took place at the Schlachthof cultural center. Chemist Sara Sfiligoi from the University of Bremen inspired the audience with her performance. She explained how zinc-ion batteries support the use of wind and solar energy.

Sara Sfiligoi is researching zinc-ion batteries at the University of Bremen. "Why is this battery so cool?" asked Sara Sfiligoi at the beginning of her presentation, explaining that zinc-ion batteries are safe, cheap and eco-friendly compared to lithium batteries. The researcher took the 400 guests on a journey into the inner world of such a battery. In an entertaining, illustrative and funny way, she described it as an "electron dancefloor" with sofa corner and dance floor.

According to Sfiligoi, zinc-ion batteries are too large and heavy for cell phones and cars. However, they would be well suited to storing wind and solar energy. "Zinc-ion batteries," said Sfiligoi at the end of her presentation, "can really give us the possibility to finally stop using fossil fuels and start healing this beautiful planet, so that everybody can keep dancing."

Sfiligoi has been working on her doctorate for two years in the field of energy storage and energy conversion systems, which was established in July 2015 in the Department of Production Engineering at the University of Bremen in cooperation with Fraunhofer IFAM. The resercher developed her performance "Dancing with Electrons", which she presented at the Schlachthof cultural center in April 2024, at a science slam workshop organized by the MAPEX Center for Materials and Processes. Science slams use props, visualizations and performance interludes to explain scientific insights to a wider audience in an entertaining and accurate way.

Further information:

Press Kit "Science Slam"


A young scientist at stage.