
Moot Court Teams at LOYFORT

On 24 October 2023, the teams of the University of Bremen were received by Dr. Amel Sarić at the office of LOYFORT lawyers in the Bremen-Überseestadt for the Moot Court at the Federal Labour Court in January 2024.

The training in court appearance by Dr. Sarić provided the teams with valuable suggestions for the preparation of the decisive appearance in Erfurt. Supported by Ms Sarah Klose, Dr. Sarić was also available for questions of litigation strategy raised by the facts of the labour law case.

The teams, which were accompanied by Professor Dr. Sebastian Kolbe and Klintis Gakovi, have profited greatly from the support of the Bremer Community. The next step will be a rehearsal before the labour court Bremen-Bremerhaven.

Until then, we sincerely thank LOYFORT lawyers, in particular Dr. Amel Sarić and Sarah Klose!

Training at Loyforth Office