
New Professor in the Faculty of Mathematics / Computer Science: Nico Hochgeschwender

Nico Hochgeschwender joined the University of Bremen for the winter semester 2023/24 as professor for software engineering for cognitive robotics and cognitive systems.

Nico Hochgeschwender works on the development and application of cognitive robots that are capable of learning, can collaborate with humans, and are able to make autonomous decisions in complicated environments. A basic requirement for this is that the robots act in a way that makes sense to humans and can function reliably over a long period of time. To ensure this, the computer scientist researches methods and tools for software development. He is currently developing a method with his team to automatically evaluate the behavior of robots and their digital twins. The goal of this research is to enable future cognitive robots to make their own assessments of themselves and their behavior.

Nico Hochgeschwender received his PhD in 2017 at the University of Luxemburg for his research on model-based software development in robotics. Afterwards, he held a position as research group leader at the German Aerospace Center (DLR). In 2019, he was appointed professor at Hochschule Bonn Rhein-Sieg, before moving to the University of Bremen for the winter semester 2023/24.

Professor Nico Hochgeschwender