
New IPP website is online

New website of the Institute for Public Health and Nursing Research presents itself in a fresh design and with new content

Exciting and busy weeks are behind us - finally we are online with the new IPP website! Our goal with the redesign is to present the wide range of information offered by our twelve departments and working groups and the variety of topics dealt with at IPP in a clear and user-friendly way. On the pages of the departments and working groups, the respective teams present their main areas of work and provide information about their projects, publications, teaching activities and other activities. On the corresponding subpages of the website, you will find comprehensive information about the research projects, our study programs and transfer activities in the central fields of IPP, research, teaching and transfer. Finally, the subpage The IPP informs about the organization and the scientific networking of the IPP.
With the change to the CMS of the University of Bremen we can now present ourselves in the corporate design of our university. Thanks to the responsive design, our website is now also optimized for viewing on mobile devices such as smartphones, and we have also made efforts to ensure accessibility. News and Events have been moved to the foreground so that current information can be found more quickly.
Numerous colleagues from all IPP teams were involved in the conception of our new website, the technical implementation and the content in German and English. We would like to thank the colleagues of the TYPO3-Support of the University of Bremen for the consulting and programming. We would like to thank the colleagues of the company Klaus Karnbrock from Hamburg for the good cooperation over many years with our previous website and the extensive research database, from which we were able to feed the content for the new website.
We are pleased about your feedback and are grateful for suggestions and praise as well as for your criticism.
We hope you enjoy exploring our new website!


For the Workgroup Homepage:

Heike Mertesacker MPH
Scientific Management & Coordination
Institute for Public Health and Nursing Research IPP (office)
Department 11 Human and Health Sciences, University of Bremen
E-mail: hmertesaprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de





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