
Philip Kerner – Dissertation successfully defended

On August 30th, 2023, Philip Kerner very successfully defended his dissertation titled "Essays on Macroeconomic Effects and Determinants of Green Technical Change". His cumulative thesis includes four empirical studies that examine convergence processes related to natural resource productivity, the relationship between economic growth and natural resource use, the impact of green technologies on labor productivity, and the effects of oil shocks on green innovations. He has published his papers in the international journals "World Development" and "Energy Economics", among others.

Philip Kerner studied at the Universities of Bremen (B.Sc.) and Kiel (M.Sc.) before becoming a scientific employee in the working group in September 2018. He has contributed to the work of the group in various capacities, including teaching and supervising theses. 

Since September 2022, Philip Kerner continues his scientific career in the BMBF project "hyBit."

We congratulate Philip Kerner very warmly, look forward to further collaborations and wish him many more scientific successes!

Philip Kerner bei der Verteidigung