
Publication of a results brochure of the QUARREE100 project for interested parties in and around the Rüsdorfer Kamp neighborhood in Heide

Within project QUARREE100, a results brochure was published to provide information for residents of the Rüsdorfer Kamp neighborhood in Heide, Schleswig Holstein and interested parties.

Within project QUARREE100, a results brochure was published to provide information for residents of the Rüsdorfer Kamp neighborhood in Heide, Schleswig Holstein and interested parties. The document summarizes the project, the concepts and the results of the different work packages and makes them available to stakeholders. It serves as a supporting contribution to the final report of the project and complements the communication and cooperation with the residents of the neighborhood.

The Institute Raum & Energie designed and created the report. The content was provided by the project partners.

The complete results brochure can be downloaded at this link.
(The content is only available in German.)

Images of Quarree100