
Resonances - every contact leaves a trace

20:00: film:art 98 at CITY 46, Bremen

»Every contact leaves a trace« is a sentence from forensic science which seems not only to be relevant in murder cases but also in all sorts of interpersonal, artistic or medial contexts. The programme investigates different forms of resonance in various contexts and formats reaching from animation film and performance documentation, over classical experimental and contemporary videoessay to video created by use of artificial intelligence.

in cooperation with BBK (Berufsverband Bildender Künstler*innen Bremen) on the occasion of the exhibition resonance.interventions in the collection at Kunsthalle Bremen. 
with the friendly assistance of Sparkasse Bremen.

We. 27.09.2023, 20:00 h at CITY 46, curated and introduced by Christine Rüffert | Universität Bremen

Die Filme:

  | Kay Walkowiak | Minimal Vandalism | A 2013 | 4:00
  | Mona Keil | Saft | D 2022 | 4:50 
  | Johan Grimonprez | Raymond Tallis | on tickling | BE 2017 | 7:53
  | Hollis Frampton & Joyce Wieland | A & B in Ontario | USA 1984 | 16:05
  | Kevin B. Lee: Once Upon a Screen | Explosive Paradox | D/USA 2020 | 9:31
  | Arno Coenen & Rodger Werkhoven | Let’s be friends | NL 2022 | 5:26

ki generiertes Gesicht in GRoßaufnahme mit Glitsches