
Science goes Public – Intelligent colonization through robotic support

Amrita Suresh and Manuel Meder talked about the challenges in space robotics and their work at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI).

On Thursday, October 12, Amrita Suresh and Manuel Meder from DFKI Bremen had their first talk at Science goes Public at the bar and restaurant Eichkater.

Mars currently is sparsely inhabited by only a few active rovers. With recent advancements in space launch systems, space travel is expected to be more accessible to research facilities and private companies. Falling payload prices will rapidly increase the number of deployed robots. Under the hostile Martian conditions, a pure robot fleet could be a first step for exploration and settlements. While robots offer great advantages, a human-robot mixed team will be indispensable. A key question is where humans and where robots are needed. What should a robot look like and what capabilities do they need? Daily tasks and challenges space roboticists face were lively discussed with the audience.

Learn more about Science goes Public and the program here.

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