
Bremen University Foundation Award "Das Goldene Plitsch" for the guideline project on climate-conscious prescription of Inhalativa

The guideline project on climate-conscious prescribing of inhalers deals with the impact of pressurized metered dose inhalers on climate change. After an evaluation by the jury and the audience, the project was awarded the 3rd prize of 5,000€

Inhaled medicines are primarily used to treat chronic respiratory diseases (asthma and chronic bronchitis). A distinction is made between dry powder inhalers (DPI), which contain the active ingredient in powder form, and metered dose inhalers (DA). The latter use propellants to transport the active ingredient into the lungs.

These propellants are strong greenhouse gases and thus have a very high damage potential for the atmosphere.

Powder inhalers are an equally effective but more climate-friendly alternative. For most people affected, a change to DPI is easily possible and feasible.

Aim of the project:

Knowledge about the climate-damaging effect of metered dose inhalers and the possible (more environmentally friendly) alternatives is not yet widespread in practice. Medical guidelines are a possible instrument to influence action in everyday life.

The aim of the project was therefore to develop such a guideline and make it available. The guideline provides support to enable a change in prescribing behaviour and thereby reduce the carbon footprint of the health care system.


The first version of the guideline has been produced and accompanying support materials have been developed.

Supported by the award, the acceptance of the guideline will be investigated and its further preparation supported.


PD Dr. Guido Schmiemann, MPH


Das Goldene Plietsch PD Dr. Guido Schmiemann, MPH