
Symposium ‘Dementia-friendly Environment in the Community – An International Perspective on Concepts and Interventions

Prof. Dr. Karin Wolf-Ostermann and Janissa Altona from IPP at the University of Bremen presented findings from their research projects on dementia-friendly neighbourhoods at the annual meeting of the Gerontological Association of America.

As part of the annual scientific conference of the Gerontological Society of America (GSA), the IPP's 'Nursing Care Research' department was represented in Tampa, USA, on 8-12-11-2023. Prof. Dr. Karin Wolf-Ostermann and Janissa Altona presented research projects in a scientific symposium together with Prof. Dr. Hilde Verbeek and Katharina Rosteius from Maastricht University and Prof. Dr. Marie Boltz from Pennsylvania State University.

The GSA is the oldest and largest interdisciplinary organisation dedicated to research, education and practice in the field of ageing. The primary mission of the GSA - and its 5,500 members - is to promote the study of aging and to disseminate information to scientists, policy makers and the general public. Prof Dr Karin Wolf-Ostermann presented the results of the DemWG study on "Reducing hospital admissions for people with dementia in assisted living communities". Research assistant Janissa Altona gave a presentation on "Evaluation of signposting infrastructures in urban environments for people with dementia - a 360-degree evaluation study". Ms Altona received a congress grant from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) for her presentation.
The presentations were embedded in a symposium with the overarching theme of "Dementia-friendly environments in the neighbourhood - an international perspective on concepts and interventions". Furthermore, the topics "Green Care Farms" and "Experiences of employees who move from a nursing home to an innovative form of housing" were presented by Prof. Dr. Hilde Verbeek and Katharina Rosteius from Maastricht University.Discussant at the symposium was Prof Dr Marie Boltz from Pennsylvania State University.


Prof. Dr. Karin Wolf-Ostermann, Janissa Altona