
Constitutional Moot Court

When the fundamental rights lecture turns into a hearing before the Federal Constitutional Court

On Wednesday, 31 January 2024, the Constitutional Law I lecture (fundamental rights) of interim professor Andrej Lang was held as a constitutional moot court. The students simulated a constitutional hearing on the constitutional compliance of night-time curfews during the Corona pandemic. Riz Manzke and Henri Bergeest took on the role of the President of the Federal Constitutional Court and provided a short introduction to the case at the beginning. Irma Weyde and Jan Büsselmann acted as representatives of the complainants, Antonia Figur and Amir-Mahdi Kamali as representatives of the Federal Government. The other students played the roles of constitutional judges and questioned the representatives on their legal arguments after their final speeches. In the subsequent lecture, the case was discussed by all within the larger framework of the role of constitutional courts in times of a pandemic. The idea to turn a constitutional law lecture into a moot court with students becoming actors of constitutional law originates from legendary Professor Derrick Bell, whose innovative teaching concept has received much academic attention.

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