
Talk at the RWL in Linköping

On 17 June 2024, Annelie Lorber and Hannah Krüger presented their findings from the RessourcE project at the 13th Researching Work & Learning Conference in Linköping, Sweden.

On 17 June 2024, Annelie Lorber and Hannah Krüger had the opportunity to present their work in the RessourcE project at the 13th Researching Work & Learning Conference in Linköping, Sweden, as part of the symposium "Maintaining skills (not only) for the unexpected - ways to detect and overcome skill decay in highly automated working environments". The symposium was organised by Stephanie Conein and Olga Vogel was a panellist.

Together with Julian Decius, Vera Hagemann and Katharina Klug, the panel discussed the requirements for an AI-based tool to support logistics companies in identifying training potential and maintaining skills in the future, in order to be accepted and used by employees.

First results from an employee survey, a user workshop and a first document review were reported in the presentation.

Annelie Lorber und Hannah Krüger bei ihrer Präsentation