
Participants in Leipzig

Field of Specialisation „Climate – Environment – Sea“ at the Federal Administrative Court in Leipzig

On 12 June 2024, the Field of Specialisation „Climate – Environment – Sea“ visited the Federal Administrative Court in Leipzig.

Gruppenfoto der Gewinnerinnen und Gewinner vor der Joachim Herz Stiftung
MAPEX News| MAPEX Presse|

University of Bremen as a Pioneer: 30 Million Euros for the First Center for Accelerated Technology Transfer

Accelerating research to market readiness – this is the goal of the first “innovate! Center”. Three pilot projects will develop sustainable solutions for technological challenges starting in 2025. The Joachim Herz Foundation will provide up to 30 million euros of financing for the endeavor.

Thea Institute for Artificial Intelligence

University of Bremen Is Founding Member of the Robotics Institute Germany (RIG)

On July 1, the Robotics Institute Germany will be established. Its work will strengthen Germany as an international hub for robotics, while fostering talent and accelerating the transfer of innovative technologies to industry and society.

Prof. Dr. Kurosch Rezwan, head of MaTeNa and spokesperson of MAPEX – Center for Materials and Processes at the University of Bremen, in his laboratory at the University of Bremen.

University of Bremen as a Pioneer: 30 Million Euros for the First Center for Accelerated Technology Transfer

Accelerating research to market readiness – this is the goal of the first “innovate! Center”. Three pilot projects will develop sustainable solutions for technological challenges starting in 2025. The Joachim Herz Foundation will provide up to 30 million euros of financing for the endeavor.

Rooms needed for International Summer School participants

120 students from 20 countries will be attending the 4-week International Summer School at the Language Centre in Bremen from July 29th to August 23rd. Rooms are still needed for some participants.

Barbara Pongratz im "Klima-Labor" Podcast von n-tv

Im Gespräch erklärt Barbara die Widersprüche in der chinesischen Wirtschafts- und Klimapolitik und was diese Widersprüche für die Energiewende bedeuten.

A Picture of Luisa Gunia and Professor Rademacher standing behind a desk with flyers and information

ISI - Information day for prospective students

At this year's "Information Day for Prospective Students" (ISI for short) at the University of Bremen, Faculty 3 was also represented with an information stand and information events on the degree programs.

New InIIS InSIGHTS episode on the Gaza War

In this episode, Guy Laron (Hebrew University, Department of International Relations) elaborates on far-right coalitions, settler influence, contemporary protest dynamics and the history of neoliberalism in Israel.


Amber free energy tools: Interoperable software for free energy simulations using generalized quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical and machine learning potentials

Y. Tao, T. J. Giese, Ş. Ekesan, J. Zeng, B. Aradi, B. Hourahine, H. M. Aktulga, A. W. Götz, K. M. Merz, Jr., and D. M. York

J. Chem. Phys.  160, 224104 (2024)

We report the development and testing of new integrated cyberinfrastructure for performing free energy simulations with generalized hybrid…

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Invitation to the Demo Day of future concepts bremen - case studies from practice

On 27.6.2024 from 15:00 to 19:00 the Demo Day of future concepts bremen will take place again and all interested parties are cordially invited!