
Wahlmobil "Krieg oder Frieden: Wohin steuert Europa?" mit Klaus Schlichte

In der Diskussion in Bremerhaven anlässlich der EU-Parlamentswahlen vom 9. Juni 2024 geht es um die verschiedenen Positionierungen in Deutschland und Europa zu Verteidigungspolitik in Zeiten des Ukrainekrieges.

Der Chor der Universität Bremen

End-of-Semester Concert at the Glocke: Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy

On June 23, the University of Bremen orchestra and choir will perform their traditional end-of-semester concert. From 5 p.m., works by Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy will be performed in the Bremen Glocke under the title "Lobgesang – Von der Finsternis zum Licht." The conductor is Mariano Chiacchiarini

ECR Logo
MAPEX Workshops| MAPEX Workshops|

17th Early Career Researcher Workshop

Scientific workshop with ECR presentations and PI talks.

Prof. Dr. Pia Lange

The European Election in June: why we should vote

Pia Lange on the importance of the European Parliament and the national governments' habit of blaming Brussels

ZERP Colloquium on 7 June 2024, 4:00 p.m.

Lecture and discussion with Prof. Dr. Marcelo Neves "The challenge of transdemocracy"

Bild von der StartUp-Lounge im Dezember 2023

19th BRIDGE StartUp Lounge: Challenge

"Challenge" is the motto of the 19th BRIDGE StartUp Lounge, which will take place at 6 p.m. on May 29 at the Bremen Digital Hub Industry (Konrad-Zuse-Straße 6a). The event is organized by the university network BRIDGE.

Weltraum CampusIdeen

CAMPUSiDEEN 2024 - Apply Now as the Best Start-up Idea in the University Landscape

Attention Bremen start-up founders and those interested in setting up a business: This year, the CAMPUSiDEEN ideas competition is once again awarding prizes for the best business ideas and business concepts in Bremen's higher education landscape.

Dynamics Days Europe 2024 Flyer

Conference XLIV Dynamics Days Europe

The conference “XLIV Dynamics Days Europe” will take place from July 29 to August 2, 2024 in Bremen. This conference is one of the largest events for researchers in dynamical systems, and discusses topics relevant to both theoretical and practical applications of dynamics, such as machine learning,…

Discussing Insights from the Carbon Performance Literature for IB: The Institutional Complexity of Climate Change Policy

New publication of Gunnar Leymann and Anna Kehl in Progress in International Business Research

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Global Health| Sozialepidemiologie|

WHO Meeting in Bonn on heat health action plans

New heat health action guidance being developed by WHO