
Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung| Sozialepidemiologie| Pflegewissenschaftliche Versorgungsforschung|

Digital population-based health in Germany: An edition of the Bundesgesundheitsblatt highlights future potential

The latest issue of the Bundesgesundheitsblatt "Digital population-based health in Germany - examples from research at the Leibniz Science Campus Digital Public Health" focuses on the digital transformation in healthcare and combines exemplary papers on the potential of digital technologies.

Three robots playing soccer.

Triumph in Kassel: B-Human Continues Its Winning Streak at the RoboCup German Open

In a thrilling final, B-Human, the team from the University of Bremen and the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), defeated the HTWK robots from Leipzig, continuing the ten-time world champion’s unprecedented run of success in the RoboCup Standard Platform League.

TOC figure

Exploring the Mechanisms behind Non-aromatic Fluorescence with the Density Functional Tight Binding Method

G. D. Mirón, C. R. Lien-Medrano, D. Banerjee, U. N. Morzan, M. A. Sentef, R. Gebauer, and A. Hassanali

J. Chem. Theory Comput.  20, 3864 (2024)

Recent experimental findings reveal nonconventional fluorescence emission in biological systems devoid of conjugated bonds or aromatic compounds, termed…

[Translate to English:] Computational high-pressure chemistry
MAPEX Research Highlights|

Computational high-pressure chemistry: Ab initio simulations of atoms, molecules, and extended materials in the gigapascal regime

Felix Zeller; Chieh-Min Hsieh; Wilke Dononelli; Tim Neudecker

Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Molecular Science 14  (2024): e1708


The field of liquid-phase and solid-state high-pressure chemistry has exploded since the advent of the diamond…

Still aus Sedat Akdoğan’s Videotrilogie About Dry Land and Soft Clouds, 2021

The events organized by the BNCL are now online!

Alle BNCL Veranstaltungen finden Dienstags von 18:15-19:45 in der Rotunde des Cartesiums an der Universität Bremen statt.

Molecular diameter

15th place in the category Physics

Every year, Nature Scientific Reports publishes the top 100 most downloaded papers. Simon reached 15th place in the physics category with his publication "Molecular diameters of rarefied gases". We congratulate him on this success, which clearly demonstrates the relevance of his research. If you…

s-w Bilder von Frauenkopf in Mehrfachspiegelung

best 8 of 800 - 20 years of film:art anniversary programme

20:15: film:art 100 im CITY 46, Bremen

Systemic challenges and new policy directions in the energy transition

New publication of Anna Kehl and Sarianna Lundan in the Handbook of International Business Policy

[Translate to English:]

Student assistant wanted from July 2024

The AG Political Theory (Prof. Martin Nonhoff) is looking for a student assistant to support administrative activities and teaching preparation. The position comprises two working hours per week. Application deadline is April 30, 2024.

Let's speak English

On Friday, April 26, 2024, the SZHB is offering an afternoon of language activities and games for anyone interested in English at the city library (Zentralbibliothek, Am Wall, 2nd floor).