
Foto von Laura Rossi

Harnessing colloidal assembly for materials design

Laura Rossi, Delft University of Technology

Foto von To Ngai

Particles at Interfaces: Emulsions and Functional Materials

To Ngai, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

New Publication: Emergent Properties in Chemistry

Together with Tim Neudecker from Bremen's Theoretical Chemistry, Norman Sieroka and Tammo Lossau have published a paper on emergent properties in chemistry.

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Mapex QP| MAPEX Workshops| MAPEX Workshops|

Design Thinking Basics

MAPEX Doctoral QP offers

Job offers

Wissenschaftliche:r Mitarbeiter:in (w/m/d) Fachgebiet für Betriebswirtschaftslehre

Stadt Land Zukunft

Presentation of the Q-Scope at the Konferenz Zukunftsstadt 2024

On March 13 and 14, 2024, Lennart Winkeler and Torben Stührmann, with the support of Bennet Petznik, presented the interactive participation platform Q-Scope

Würfel mit Buchstaben

Language Learning in the Summer: Choose from 22 Languages

22 languages and many different course formats: Directly after Easter, the Languages Centre of the Universities in the Land of Bremen will start the summer semester with its range of courses. The program includes semester and intensive courses as well as paid education leave.

MAPEX Workshops|

Talk & Discussion: Publishing in Nature Energy

Speaker: Dr Silvana Lakeman (Senior editor for Nature Energy)

Workshop "Fantastic Models and How to Make Them: A Beginner’s Guide to CaterFly"

Philipp Eppe took part in a Workshop „Fantastic Models and How to Make Them: A Beginner's Guide to CaterFly“ in Freiburg.

Über den Wert der Zeit

Interview mit Norman Sieroka darüber, warum Zeit so wertvoll ist und warum wir sie dennoch vermeintlich so oft verschwenden